{ pkgs, host, ... }: let inherit (import ../hosts/${host}/variables.nix) terminal browser; in pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "list-hypr-bindings" '' yad --width=800 --height=650 \ --center \ --fixed \ --title="Hyprland Keybindings" \ --no-buttons \ --list \ --column=Key: \ --column=Description: \ --column=Command: \ --timeout=90 \ --timeout-indicator=right \ " = Windows/Super/CAPS LOCK" "Modifier Key, used for keybindings" "Doesn't really execute anything by itself." \ " + ENTER" "Terminal" "${terminal}" \ " + SHIFT + ENTER" "App Launcher" "rofi" \ " + ALT + W" "Change Wallpaper" "wallsetter" \ " + Q" "Kill Focused Window" "killactive" \ " + SHIFT + W" "Search Websites Like Nix Packages" "web-search" \ " + SHIFT + N" "Reload SwayNC Styling" "swaync-client -rs" \ " + W" "Launch Web Browser" "${browser}" \ " + E" "Launch Emoji Selector" "emopicker9000" \ " + S" "Take Screenshot" "screenshootin" \ " + D" "Launch Discord" "discord" \ " + O" "Launch OBS" "obs" \ " + G" "Launch GIMP" "gimp" \ " + N" "Launch New File Browser Window" "thunar" \ " + M" "Launch Spotify" "spotify" \ " + P" "Pseudo Tiling" "pseudo" \ " + SHIFT + I" "Toggle Split Direction" "togglesplit" \ " + F" "Toggle Focused Fullscreen" "fullscreen" \ " + SHIFT + F" "Toggle Focused Floating" "fullscreen" \ " + SHIFT + C" "Quit / Exit Hyprland" "exit" \ " + Left" "Move Focus To Window On The Left" "movefocus,l" \ " + Right" "Move Focus To Window On The Right" "movefocus,r" \ " + Up" "Move Focus To Window On The Up" "movefocus,u" \ " + Down" "Move Focus To Window On The Down" "movefocus,d" \ " + SHIFT + Left" "Move Focused Window Left" "movewindow,l" \ " + SHIFT + Right" "Move Focused Window Right" "movewindow,r" \ " + SHIFT + Up" "Move Focused Window Up" "movewindow,u" \ " + SHIFT + Down" "Move Focused Window Down" "movewindow,d" \ " + H" "Move Focus To Window On The Left" "movefocus,l" \ " + L" "Move Focus To Window On The Right" "movefocus,r" \ " + K" "Move Focus To Window On The Up" "movefocus,u" \ " + J" "Move Focus To Window On The Down" "movefocus,d" \ " + SHIFT + H" "Move Focused Window Left" "movewindow,l" \ " + SHIFT + L" "Move Focused Window Right" "movewindow,r" \ " + SHIFT + K" "Move Focused Window Up" "movewindow,u" \ " + SHIFT + J" "Move Focused Window Down" "movewindow,d" \ " + SPACE" "Toggle Special Workspace" "togglespecialworkspace" \ " + SHIFT + SPACE" "Send Focused Window To Special Workspace" "movetoworkspace,special" \ " + 1-0" "Move To Workspace 1 - 10" "workspace,X" \ " + SHIFT + 1-0" "Move Focused Window To Workspace 1 - 10" "movetoworkspace,X" \ " + MOUSE_LEFT" "Move/Drag Window" "movewindow" \ " + MOUSE_RIGHT" "Resize Window" "resizewindow" \ "ALT + TAB" "Cycle Window Focus + Bring To Front" "cyclenext & bringactivetotop" \ "" ''