{ pkgs, ... }: pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "wallsetter" '' TIMEOUT=720 for pid in $(pidof -o %PPID -x wallsetter); do kill $pid done if ! [ -d ~/Pictures/Wallpapers ]; then notify-send -t 5000 "~/Pictures/Wallpapers does not exist" && exit 1; fi if [ $(ls -1 ~/Pictures/Wallpapers | wc -l) -lt 1 ]; then notify-send -t 9000 "The wallpaper folder is expected to have more than 1 image. Exiting Wallsetter." && exit 1; fi while true; do while [ "$WALLPAPER" == "$PREVIOUS" ]; do WALLPAPER=$(find ~/Pictures/Wallpapers -name '*' | awk '!/.git/' | tail -n +2 | shuf -n 1) done PREVIOUS=$WALLPAPER ${pkgs.swww}/bin/swww img "$WALLPAPER" --transition-type random --transition-step 1 --transition-fps 60 sleep $TIMEOUT done ''