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{ lib
, pkgs
, callPackage
, writeShellScriptBin
, writeText
, linuxPackagesFor
, withRust ? false
, _kernelPatches ? [ ]
i = builtins.elemAt;
# parse <OPT> [ymn]|foo style configuration as found in a patch's extraConfig
# into a list of k, v tuples
parseExtraConfig = config:
lines =
builtins.filter (s: s != "") (lib.strings.splitString "\n" config);
parseLine = line: let
t = lib.strings.splitString " " line;
join = l: builtins.foldl' (a: b: "${a} ${b}")
(builtins.head l) (builtins.tail l);
v = if (builtins.length t) > 2 then join (builtins.tail t) else (i t 1);
in [ "CONFIG_${i t 0}" v ];
in map parseLine lines;
# parse <OPT>=lib.kernel.(yes|module|no)|lib.kernel.freeform "foo"
# style configuration as found in a patch's extraStructuredConfig into
# a list of k, v tuples
parseExtraStructuredConfig = config: lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList
(k: v: [ "CONFIG_${k}" (v.tristate or v.freeform) ] ) config;
parsePatchConfig = { extraConfig ? "", extraStructuredConfig ? {}, ... }:
(parseExtraConfig extraConfig) ++
(parseExtraStructuredConfig extraStructuredConfig);
# parse CONFIG_<OPT>=[ymn]|"foo" style configuration as found in a config file
# into a list of k, v tuples
parseConfig = config:
parseLine = builtins.match ''(CONFIG_[[:upper:][:digit:]_]+)=(([ymn])|"([^"]*)")'';
# get either the [ymn] option or the "foo" option; whichever matched
t = l: let v = (i l 2); in [ (i l 0) (if v != null then v else (i l 3)) ];
lines = lib.strings.splitString "\n" config;
in map t (builtins.filter (l: l != null) (map parseLine lines));
origConfigfile = ./config;
linux-asahi-pkg = { stdenv, lib, fetchFromGitHub, fetchpatch, linuxKernel,
rustPlatform, rustc, rustfmt, rust-bindgen, ... } @ args:
origConfigText = builtins.readFile origConfigfile;
# extraConfig from all patches in order
extraConfig =
lib.fold (patch: ex: ex ++ (parsePatchConfig patch)) [] _kernelPatches;
# config file text for above
extraConfigText = let
text = k: v: if (v == "y") || (v == "m") || (v == "n")
then "${k}=${v}" else ''${k}="${v}"'';
in (map (t: text (i t 0) (i t 1)) extraConfig);
# final config as a text file path
configfile = if extraConfig == [] then origConfigfile else
writeText "config" ''
# Patches
${lib.strings.concatStringsSep "\n" extraConfigText}
# final config as an attrset
configAttrs = let
makePair = t: lib.nameValuePair (i t 0) (i t 1);
configList = (parseConfig origConfigText) ++ extraConfig;
in builtins.listToAttrs (map makePair (lib.lists.reverseList configList));
# used to (ostensibly) keep compatibility for those running stable versions of nixos
rustOlder = version: withRust && (lib.versionOlder rustc.version version);
bindgenOlder = version: withRust && (lib.versionOlder rust-bindgen.unwrapped.version version);
# used to fix issues when nixpkgs gets ahead of the kernel
rustAtLeast = version: withRust && (lib.versionAtLeast rustc.version version);
bindgenAtLeast = version: withRust && (lib.versionAtLeast rust-bindgen.unwrapped.version version);
(linuxKernel.manualConfig rec {
inherit stdenv lib;
version = "6.9.12-asahi";
modDirVersion = version;
extraMeta.branch = "6.9";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
# tracking: (w/ fedora verification)
owner = "AsahiLinux";
repo = "linux";
rev = "asahi-6.9.12-1";
hash = "sha256-LCMrG+RVONK/eIvygRExaVvY/ATV3IfvSsFbVsHVu48=";
kernelPatches = [
{ name = "coreutils-fix";
patch = ./0001-fs-fcntl-accept-more-values-as-F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC-args.patch;
] ++ _kernelPatches;
inherit configfile;
# hide Rust support from the nixpkgs infra to avoid it re-adding the rust packages.
# we can't use it until it's in stable and until we've evaluated the cross-compilation impact.
config = configAttrs // { "CONFIG_RUST" = "n"; };
} // (args.argsOverride or {})).overrideAttrs (old: if withRust then {
nativeBuildInputs = (old.nativeBuildInputs or []) ++ [
RUST_LIB_SRC = rustPlatform.rustLibSrc;
} else {});
linux-asahi = (callPackage linux-asahi-pkg { });
in lib.recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor linux-asahi)