echo "This will update your Nixbook and reboot"; read -p "Do you want to continue? (y/n): " answer if [[ "$answer" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo "Updating Nixbook..." # Download the latest nixbook changes sudo git -C /etc/nixbook reset --hard sudo git -C /etc/nixbook clean -fd sudo git -C /etc/nixbook pull # Update the nixos nix-channel to be the same as in base.nix or base_lite.nix AUTOUPDATE_CHANNEL="$(sudo nix-instantiate --eval '' -A | tr -d '"')" sudo nix-channel --add "${AUTOUPDATE_CHANNEL}" nixos # Free up space before updates nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 14d # get the updates sudo nixos-rebuild boot --upgrade # free up a little more space with hard links nix-store --optimise reboot else echo "Update Cancelled!" fi