/** @preserve jsPDF fromHTML plugin. BETA stage. API subject to change. Needs browser, jQuery Copyright (c) 2012 2012 Willow Systems Corporation, willow-systems.com */ /* * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * ==================================================================== */ ;(function(jsPDFAPI) { 'use strict' if(!String.prototype.trim) { String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); }; } if(!String.prototype.trimLeft) { String.prototype.trimLeft = function () { return this.replace(/^\s+/g,''); }; } if(!String.prototype.trimRight) { String.prototype.trimRight = function () { return this.replace(/\s+$/g,''); }; } function PurgeWhiteSpace(array){ var i = 0, l = array.length, fragment , lTrimmed = false , rTrimmed = false while (!lTrimmed && i !== l) { fragment = array[i] = array[i].trimLeft() if (fragment) { // there is something left there. lTrimmed = true } ;i++; } i = l - 1 while (l && !rTrimmed && i !== -1) { fragment = array[i] = array[i].trimRight() if (fragment) { // there is something left there. rTrimmed = true } ;i--; } var r = /\s+$/g , trailingSpace = true // it's safe to assume we always trim start of display:block element's text. for (i = 0; i !== l; i++) { fragment = array[i].replace(/\s+/g, ' ') // if (l > 1) { // console.log(i, trailingSpace, fragment) // } if (trailingSpace) { fragment = fragment.trimLeft() } if (fragment) { // meaning, it was not reduced to "" // if it was, we don't want to clear trailingSpace flag. trailingSpace = r.test(fragment) } array[i] = fragment } return array } function Renderer(pdf, x, y, settings) { this.pdf = pdf this.x = x this.y = y this.settings = settings this.init() return this } Renderer.prototype.init = function(){ this.paragraph = { 'text': [] , 'style': [] } this.pdf.internal.write( 'q' ) } Renderer.prototype.dispose = function(){ this.pdf.internal.write( 'Q' // closes the 'q' in init() ) return { 'x':this.x, 'y':this.y // bottom left of last line. = upper left of what comes after us. // TODO: we cannot traverse pages yet, but need to figure out how to communicate that when we do. // TODO: add more stats: number of lines, paragraphs etc. } } Renderer.prototype.splitFragmentsIntoLines = function(fragments, styles){ var defaultFontSize = 12 // points , k = this.pdf.internal.scaleFactor // when multiplied by this, converts jsPDF instance units into 'points' // var widths = options.widths ? options.widths : this.internal.getFont().metadata.Unicode.widths // , kerning = options.kerning ? options.kerning : this.internal.getFont().metadata.Unicode.kerning , fontMetricsCache = {} , ff, fs , fontMetrics , fragment // string, element of `fragments` , style // object with properties with names similar to CSS. Holds pertinent style info for given fragment , fragmentSpecificMetrics // fontMetrics + some indent and sizing properties populated. We reuse it, hence the bother. , fragmentLength // fragment's length in jsPDF units , fragmentChopped // will be array - fragment split into "lines" , line = [] // array of pairs of arrays [t,s], where t is text string, and s is style object for that t. , lines = [line] // array of arrays of pairs of arrays , currentLineLength = 0 // in jsPDF instance units (inches, cm etc) , maxLineLength = this.settings.width // need to decide if this is the best way to know width of content. // this loop sorts text fragments (and associated style) // into lines. Some fragments will be chopped into smaller // fragments to be spread over multiple lines. while (fragments.length) { fragment = fragments.shift() style = styles.shift() // if not empty string if (fragment) { ff = style['font-family'] fs = style['font-style'] fontMetrics = fontMetricsCache[ff+fs] if (!fontMetrics) { fontMetrics = this.pdf.internal.getFont(ff, fs).metadata.Unicode fontMetricsCache[ff+fs] = fontMetrics } fragmentSpecificMetrics = { 'widths': fontMetrics.widths , 'kerning': fontMetrics.kerning // fontSize comes to us from CSS scraper as "proportion of normal" value // , hence the multiplication , 'fontSize': style['font-size'] * defaultFontSize // // these should not matter as we provide the metrics manually // // if we would not, we would need these: // , 'fontName': style.fontName // , 'fontStyle': style.fontStyle // this is setting for "indent first line of paragraph", but we abuse it // for continuing inline spans of text. Indent value = space in jsPDF instance units // (whatever user passed to 'new jsPDF(orientation, units, size) // already consumed on this line. May be zero, of course, for "start of line" // it's used only on chopper, ignored in all "sizing" code , 'textIndent': currentLineLength } // in user units (inch, cm etc.) fragmentLength = this.pdf.getStringUnitWidth( fragment , fragmentSpecificMetrics ) * fragmentSpecificMetrics.fontSize / k if (currentLineLength + fragmentLength > maxLineLength) { // whatever is already on the line + this new fragment // will be longer than max len for a line. // Hence, chopping fragment into lines: fragmentChopped = this.pdf.splitTextToSize( fragment , maxLineLength , fragmentSpecificMetrics ) line.push([fragmentChopped.shift(), style]) while (fragmentChopped.length){ line = [[fragmentChopped.shift(), style]] lines.push(line) } currentLineLength = this.pdf.getStringUnitWidth( // new line's first (and only) fragment's length is our new line length line[0][0] , fragmentSpecificMetrics ) * fragmentSpecificMetrics.fontSize / k } else { // nice, we can fit this fragment on current line. Less work for us... line.push([fragment, style]) currentLineLength += fragmentLength } } } return lines } Renderer.prototype.RenderTextFragment = function(text, style) { var defaultFontSize = 12 // , header = "/F1 16 Tf\n16 TL\n0 g" , font = this.pdf.internal.getFont(style['font-family'], style['font-style']) this.pdf.internal.write( '/' + font.id // font key , (defaultFontSize * style['font-size']).toFixed(2) // font size comes as float = proportion to normal. , 'Tf' // font def marker , '('+this.pdf.internal.pdfEscape(text)+') Tj' ) } Renderer.prototype.renderParagraph = function(){ var fragments = PurgeWhiteSpace( this.paragraph.text ) , styles = this.paragraph.style , blockstyle = this.paragraph.blockstyle , priorblockstype = this.paragraph.blockstyle || {} this.paragraph = {'text':[], 'style':[], 'blockstyle':{}, 'priorblockstyle':blockstyle} if (!fragments.join('').trim()) { /* if it's empty string */ return } // else there is something to draw var lines = this.splitFragmentsIntoLines(fragments, styles) , line // will be array of array pairs [[t,s],[t,s],[t,s]...] where t = text, s = style object , maxLineHeight , defaultFontSize = 12 , fontToUnitRatio = defaultFontSize / this.pdf.internal.scaleFactor // these will be in pdf instance units , paragraphspacing_before = ( // we only use margin-top potion that is larger than margin-bottom of previous elem // because CSS margins don't stack, they overlap. Math.max( ( blockstyle['margin-top'] || 0 ) - ( priorblockstype['margin-bottom'] || 0 ), 0 ) + ( blockstyle['padding-top'] || 0 ) ) * fontToUnitRatio , paragraphspacing_after = ( ( blockstyle['margin-bottom'] || 0 ) + ( blockstyle['padding-bottom'] || 0 ) ) * fontToUnitRatio , out = this.pdf.internal.write , i, l this.y += paragraphspacing_before out( 'q' // canning the scope , 'BT' // Begin Text // and this moves the text start to desired position. , this.pdf.internal.getCoordinateString(this.x) , this.pdf.internal.getVerticalCoordinateString(this.y) , 'Td' ) // looping through lines while (lines.length) { line = lines.shift() maxLineHeight = 0 for (i = 0, l = line.length; i !== l; i++) { if (line[i][0].trim()) { maxLineHeight = Math.max(maxLineHeight, line[i][1]['line-height'], line[i][1]['font-size']) } } // current coordinates are "top left" corner of text box. Text must start from "lower left" // so, lowering the current coord one line height. out( 0 , (-1 * defaultFontSize * maxLineHeight).toFixed(2) // shifting down a line in native `points' means reducing y coordinate , 'Td' // , (defaultFontSize * maxLineHeight).toFixed(2) // line height comes as float = proportion to normal. // , 'TL' // line height marker. Not sure we need it with "Td", but... ) for (i = 0, l = line.length; i !== l; i++) { if (line[i][0]) { this.RenderTextFragment(line[i][0], line[i][1]) } } // y is in user units (cm, inch etc) // maxLineHeight is ratio of defaultFontSize // defaultFontSize is in points always. // this.internal.scaleFactor is ratio of user unit to points. // Dividing by it converts points to user units. // vertical offset will be in user units. // this.y is in user units. this.y += maxLineHeight * fontToUnitRatio } out( 'ET' // End Text , 'Q' // restore scope ) this.y += paragraphspacing_after } Renderer.prototype.setBlockBoundary = function(){ this.renderParagraph() } Renderer.prototype.setBlockStyle = function(css){ this.paragraph.blockstyle = css } Renderer.prototype.addText = function(text, css){ this.paragraph.text.push(text) this.paragraph.style.push(css) } //===================== // these are DrillForContent and friends var FontNameDB = { 'helvetica':'helvetica' , 'sans-serif':'helvetica' , 'serif':'times' , 'times':'times' , 'times new roman':'times' , 'monospace':'courier' , 'courier':'courier' } , FontWeightMap = {"100":'normal',"200":'normal',"300":'normal',"400":'normal',"500":'bold',"600":'bold',"700":'bold',"800":'bold',"900":'bold',"normal":'normal',"bold":'bold',"bolder":'bold',"lighter":'normal'} , FontStyleMap = {'normal':'normal','italic':'italic','oblique':'italic'} , UnitedNumberMap = {'normal':1} function ResolveFont(css_font_family_string){ var name , parts = css_font_family_string.split(',') // yes, we don't care about , inside quotes , part = parts.shift() while (!name && part){ name = FontNameDB[ part.trim().toLowerCase() ] part = parts.shift() } return name } // return ratio to "normal" font size. in other words, it's fraction of 16 pixels. function ResolveUnitedNumber(css_line_height_string){ var undef , normal = 16.00 , value = UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string] if (value) { return value } // not in cache, ok. need to parse it. // Could it be a named value? // we will use Windows 94dpi sizing with CSS2 suggested 1.2 step ratio // where "normal" or "medium" is 16px // see: http://style.cleverchimp.com/font_size_intervals/altintervals.html value = ({ 'xx-small':9 , 'x-small':11 , 'small':13 , 'medium':16 , 'large':19 , 'x-large':23 , 'xx-large':28 , 'auto':0 })[css_line_height_string] if (value !== undef) { // caching, returning return UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string] = value / normal } // not in cache, ok. need to parse it. // is it int? if (value = parseFloat(css_line_height_string)) { // caching, returning return UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string] = value / normal } // must be a "united" value ('123em', '134px' etc.) // most browsers convert it to px so, only handling the px value = css_line_height_string.match( /([\d\.]+)(px)/ ) if (value.length === 3) { // caching, returning return UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string] = parseFloat( value[1] ) / normal } return UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string] = 1 } function GetCSS(element){ var $e = $(element) , css = {} , tmp css['font-family'] = ResolveFont( $e.css('font-family') ) || 'times' css['font-style'] = FontStyleMap [ $e.css('font-style') ] || 'normal' tmp = FontWeightMap[ $e.css('font-weight') ] || 'normal' if (tmp === 'bold') { if (css['font-style'] === 'normal') { css['font-style'] = tmp } else { css['font-style'] = tmp + css['font-style'] // jsPDF's default fonts have it as "bolditalic" } } css['font-size'] = ResolveUnitedNumber( $e.css('font-size') ) || 1 // ratio to "normal" size css['line-height'] = ResolveUnitedNumber( $e.css('line-height') ) || 1 // ratio to "normal" size css['display'] = $e.css('display') === 'inline' ? 'inline' : 'block' if (css['display'] === 'block'){ css['margin-top'] = ResolveUnitedNumber( $e.css('margin-top') ) || 0 css['margin-bottom'] = ResolveUnitedNumber( $e.css('margin-bottom') ) || 0 css['padding-top'] = ResolveUnitedNumber( $e.css('padding-top') ) || 0 css['padding-bottom'] = ResolveUnitedNumber( $e.css('padding-bottom') ) || 0 } return css } function elementHandledElsewhere(element, renderer, elementHandlers){ var isHandledElsewhere = false var i, l, t , handlers = elementHandlers['#'+element.id] if (handlers) { if (typeof handlers === 'function') { isHandledElsewhere = handlers(element, renderer) } else /* array */ { i = 0 l = handlers.length while (!isHandledElsewhere && i !== l){ isHandledElsewhere = handlers[i](element, renderer) ;i++; } } } handlers = elementHandlers[element.nodeName] if (!isHandledElsewhere && handlers) { if (typeof handlers === 'function') { isHandledElsewhere = handlers(element, renderer) } else /* array */ { i = 0 l = handlers.length while (!isHandledElsewhere && i !== l){ isHandledElsewhere = handlers[i](element, renderer) ;i++; } } } return isHandledElsewhere } function DrillForContent(element, renderer, elementHandlers){ var cns = element.childNodes , cn , fragmentCSS = GetCSS(element) , isBlock = fragmentCSS.display === 'block' if (isBlock) { renderer.setBlockBoundary() renderer.setBlockStyle(fragmentCSS) } for (var i = 0, l = cns.length; i < l ; i++){ cn = cns[i] if (typeof cn === 'object') { // Don't render the insides of script tags, they contain text nodes which then render if (cn.nodeType === 1 && cn.nodeName != 'SCRIPT') { if (!elementHandledElsewhere(cn, renderer, elementHandlers)) { DrillForContent(cn, renderer, elementHandlers) } } else if (cn.nodeType === 3){ renderer.addText( cn.nodeValue, fragmentCSS ) } } else if (typeof cn === 'string') { renderer.addText( cn, fragmentCSS ) } } if (isBlock) { renderer.setBlockBoundary() } } function process(pdf, element, x, y, settings) { // we operate on DOM elems. So HTML-formatted strings need to pushed into one if (typeof element === 'string') { element = (function(element) { var framename = "jsPDFhtmlText" + Date.now().toString() + (Math.random() * 1000).toFixed(0) , visuallyhidden = 'position: absolute !important;' + 'clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); /* IE6, IE7 */' + 'clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);' + 'padding:0 !important;' + 'border:0 !important;' + 'height: 1px !important;' + 'width: 1px !important; ' + 'top:auto;' + 'left:-100px;' + 'overflow: hidden;' // TODO: clean up hidden div , $hiddendiv = $( '
' ).appendTo(document.body) , $frame = window.frames[framename] return $($frame.document.body).html(element)[0] })( element ) } var r = new Renderer( pdf, x, y, settings ) , a = DrillForContent( element, r, settings.elementHandlers ) return r.dispose() } /** Converts HTML-formatted text into formatted PDF text. Notes: 2012-07-18 Plugin relies on having browser, DOM around. The HTML is pushed into dom and traversed. Plugin relies on jQuery for CSS extraction. Targeting HTML output from Markdown templating, which is a very simple markup - div, span, em, strong, p. No br-based paragraph separation supported explicitly (but still may work.) Images, tables are NOT supported. @public @function @param HTML {String or DOM Element} HTML-formatted text, or pointer to DOM element that is to be rendered into PDF. @param x {Number} starting X coordinate in jsPDF instance's declared units. @param y {Number} starting Y coordinate in jsPDF instance's declared units. @param settings {Object} Additional / optional variables controlling parsing, rendering. @returns {Object} jsPDF instance */ jsPDFAPI.fromHTML = function(HTML, x, y, settings) { 'use strict' // `this` is _jsPDF object returned when jsPDF is inited (new jsPDF()) // `this.internal` is a collection of useful, specific-to-raw-PDF-stream functions. // for example, `this.internal.write` function allowing you to write directly to PDF stream. // `this.line`, `this.text` etc are available directly. // so if your plugin just wraps complex series of this.line or this.text or other public API calls, // you don't need to look into `this.internal` // See _jsPDF object in jspdf.js for complete list of what's available to you. // it is good practice to return ref to jsPDF instance to make // the calls chainable. // return this // but in this case it is more usefull to return some stats about what we rendered. return process(this, HTML, x, y, settings) } })(jsPDF.API)