2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
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2015-04-07 02:31:02 -04:00
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2015-04-07 02:42:30 -04:00
< meta property = 'description' name = 'description' content = 'Convert markdown to MLA formatted PDFs. Makes writing school papers much easier.' / >
< meta property = 'og:description' name = 'og:description' content = 'Convert markdown to MLA formatted PDFs. Makes writing school papers much easier.' / >
2015-04-07 02:31:02 -04:00
< meta property = 'og:url' name = 'og:url' content = 'http://markdowntomla.com/' / >
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2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
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2023-05-03 22:17:51 -04:00
author: YOUR NAME
title: TITLE
2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
2023-05-03 22:17:51 -04:00
This is an example of body text.
2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
2023-05-03 22:17:51 -04:00
This will be the bulk of how you're going to be writing.
2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
2023-05-03 22:17:51 -04:00
Perform *italics* and **bolds** like so.
Here's how you quote.
2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
2023-05-03 22:20:26 -04:00
> "Blah" - Man
2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
2023-05-03 22:17:51 -04:00
2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
# Heading 1
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2023-05-03 22:17:51 -04:00
Page Break
2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
2023-05-03 22:22:05 -04:00
For help generating citations on the works cited page, check out easybib.com, bibme.org, and citationmachine.net. Be careful citing Wikipedia, but there's also a handy "cite this page" button on every page.
2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
# Works Cited
2023-05-03 22:19:09 -04:00
Christian Genco's Markdown to MLA - https://github.com/christiangenco/markdowntomla
2015-04-06 23:27:29 -04:00
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< script type = 'text/javascript' > ! f u n c t i o n ( ) { f u n c t i o n e ( e ) { v a r t = i ; e & & ( i [ e ] | | ( i [ e ] = { } ) , t = i [ e ] ) , t . d e f i n e & & t . d e f i n e . p a c k a g e d | | ( n . o r i g i n a l = t . d e f i n e , t . d e f i n e = n , t . d e f i n e . p a c k a g e d = ! 0 ) , t . r e q u i r e & & t . r e q u i r e . p a c k a g e d | | ( o . o r i g i n a l = t . r e q u i r e , t . r e q u i r e = o , t . r e q u i r e . p a c k a g e d = ! 0 ) } v a r t = " " , i = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s } ( ) ; i f ( ! i & & " u n d e f i n e d " ! = t y p e o f w i n d o w & & ( i = w i n d o w ) , t | | " u n d e f i n e d " = = t y p e o f r e q u i r e j s ) { v a r n = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i ) { r e t u r n " s t r i n g " ! = t y p e o f e ? v o i d ( n . o r i g i n a l ? n . o r i g i n a l . a p p l y ( t h i s , a r g u m e n t s ) : ( c o n s o l e . e r r o r ( " d r o p p i n g m o d u l e b e c a u s e d e f i n e w a s n ' t a s t r i n g . " ) , c o n s o l e . t r a c e ( ) ) ) : ( 2 = = a r g u m e n t s . l e n g t h & & ( i = t ) , v o i d ( n . m o d u l e s [ e ] | | ( n . p a y l o a d s [ e ] = i , n . m o d u l e s [ e ] = n u l l ) ) ) } ; n . m o d u l e s = { } , n . p a y l o a d s = { } ; v a r s = f u n c t i o n ( e , t , i ) { i f ( " s t r i n g " = = t y p e o f t ) { v a r n = a ( e , t ) ; i f ( v o i d 0 ! = n ) r e t u r n i & & i ( ) , n } e l s e i f ( " [ o b j e c t A r r a y ] " = = = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . t o S t r i n g . c a l l ( t ) ) { f o r ( v a r s = [ ] , r = 0 , l = t . l e n g t h ; l > r ; + + r ) { v a r h = a ( e , t [ r ] ) ; i f ( v o i d 0 = = h & & o . o r i g i n a l ) r e t u r n ; s . p u s h ( h ) } r e t u r n i & & i . a p p l y ( n u l l , s ) | | ! 0 } } , o = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { v a r i = s ( " " , e , t ) ; r e t u r n v o i d 0 = = i & & o . o r i g i n a l ? o . o r i g i n a l . a p p l y ( t h i s , a r g u m e n t s ) : i } , r = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { i f ( - 1 ! = = t . i n d e x O f ( " ! " ) ) { v a r i = t . s p l i t ( " ! " ) ; r e t u r n r ( e , i [ 0 ] ) + " ! " + r ( e , i [ 1 ] ) } i f ( " . " = = t . c h a r A t ( 0 ) ) { v a r n = e . s p l i t ( " / " ) . s l i c e ( 0 , - 1 ) . j o i n ( " / " ) ; f o r ( t = n + " / " + t ; - 1 ! = = t . i n d e x O f ( " . " ) & & s ! = t ; ) { v a r s = t ; t = t . r e p l a c e ( / \ / \ . \ / / , " / " ) . r e p l a c e ( / [ ^ \ / ] + \ / \ . \ . \ / / , " " ) } } r e t u r n t } , a = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { t = r ( e , t ) ; v a r i = n . m o d u l e s [ t ] ; i f ( ! i ) { i f ( i = n . p a y l o a d s [ t ] , " f u n c t i o n " = = t y p e o f i ) { v a r o = { } , a = { i d : t , u r i : " " , e x p o r t s : o , p a c k a g e d : ! 0 } , l = f u n c t i o n ( e , i ) { r e t u r n s ( t , e , i ) } , h = i ( l , o , a ) ; o = h | | a . e x p o r t s , n . m o d u l e s [ t ] = o , d e l e t e n . p a y l o a d s [ t ] } i = n . m o d u l e s [ t ] = o | | i } r e t u r n i } ; e ( t ) } } ( ) , d e f i n e ( " a c e / l i b / r e g e x p " , [ " r e q u i r e " , " e x p o r t s " , " m o d u l e " ] , f u n c t i o n ( ) { " u s e s t r i c t " ; f u n c t i o n e ( e ) { r e t u r n ( e . g l o b a l ? " g " : " " ) + ( e . i g n o r e C a s e ? " i " : " " ) + ( e . m u l t i l i n e ? " m " : " " ) + ( e . e x t e n d e d ? " x " : " " ) + ( e . s t i c k y ? " y " : " " ) } f u n c t i o n t ( e , t , i ) { i f ( A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e . i n d e x O f ) r e t u r n e . i n d e x O f ( t , i ) ; f o r ( v a r n = i | | 0 ; n < e . l e n g t h ; n + + ) i f ( e [ n ] = = = t ) r e t u r n n ; r e t u r n - 1 } v a r i = { e x e c : R e g E x p . p r o t o t y p e . e x e c , t e s t : R e g E x p . p r o t o t y p e . t e s t , m a t c h : S t r i n g . p r o t o t y p e . m a t c h , r e p l a c e : S t r i n g . p r o t o t y p e . r e p l a c e , s p l i t : S t r i n g . p r o t o t y p e . s p l i t } , n = v o i d 0 = = = i . e x e c . c a l l ( / ( ) ? ? / , " " ) [ 1 ] , s = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r e = / ^ / g ; r e t u r n i . t e s t . c a l l ( e , " " ) , ! e . l a s t I n d e x } ( ) ; s & & n | | ( R e g E x p . p r o t o t y p e . e x e c = f u n c t i o n ( o ) { v a r r , a , l = i . e x e c . a p p l y ( t h i s , a r g u m e n t s ) ; i f ( " s t r i n g " = = t y p e o f o & & l ) { i f ( ! n & & l . l e n g t h > 1 & & t ( l , " " ) > - 1 & & ( a = R e g E x p ( t h i s . s o u r c e , i . r e p l a c e . c a l l ( e ( t h i s ) , " g " , " " ) ) , i . r e p l a c e . c a l l ( o . s l i c e ( l . i n d e x ) , a , f u n c t i o n ( ) { f o r ( v a r e = 1 ; e < a r g u m e n t s . l e n g t h - 2 ; e + + ) v o i d 0 = = = a r g u m e n t s [ e ] & & ( l [ e ] = v o i d 0 ) } ) ) , t h i s . _ x r e g e x p & & t h i s . _ x r e g e x p . c a p t u r e N a m e s ) f o r ( v a r h = 1 ; h < l . l e n g t h ; h + + ) r = t h i s . _ x r e g e x p . c a p t u r e N a m e s [ h - 1 ] , r & & ( l [ r ] = l [ h ] ) ; ! s & & t h i s . g l o b a l & & ! l [ 0 ] . l e n g t h & & t h i s . l a s t I n d e x > l . i n d e x & & t h i s . l a s t I n d e x - - } r e t u r n l } , s | | ( R e g E x p . p r o t o t y p e . t e s t = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { v a r t = i . e x e c . c a l l ( t h i s , e ) ; r e t u r n t & & t h i s . g l o b a l & & ! t [ 0 ] . l e n g t h & & t h i s . l a s t I n d e x > t . i n d e x & & t h i s . l a s t I n d e x - - , ! ! t } ) ) } ) , d e f i n e ( " a c e / l i b / e s 5 - s h i m " , [ " r e q u i r e " , " e x p o r t s " , " m o d u l e " ] , f u n c t i o n ( ) { f u n c t i o n e ( ) { } f u n c t i o n t ( e ) { t r y { r e t u r n O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( e , " s e n t i n e l " , { } ) , " s e n t i n e l " i n e } c a t c h ( t ) { } } f u n c t i o n i ( e ) { r e t u r n e = + e , e ! = = e ? e = 0 : 0 ! = = e & & e ! = = 1 / 0 & & e ! = = - 1 / 0 & & ( e = ( e > 0 | | - 1 ) * M a t h . f l o o r ( M a t h . a b s ( e ) ) ) , e } F u n c t i o n . p r o t o t y p e . b i n d | | ( F u n c t i o n . p r o t o t y p e . b i n d = f u n c t i o n ( t ) { v a r i = t h i s ; i f ( " f u n c t i o n " ! = t y p e o f i ) t h r o w n e w T y p e E r r o r ( " F u n c t i o n . p r o t o t y p e . b i n d c a l l e d o n i n c o m p a t i b l e " + i ) ; v a r n = u . c a l l ( a r g u m e n t s , 1 ) , s = f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( t h i s i n s t a n c e o f s ) { v a r e = i . a p p l y ( t h i s , n . c o n c a t ( u . c a l l ( a r g u m e n t s ) ) ) ; r e t u r n O b j e c t ( e ) = = = e ? e : t h i s } r e t u r n i . a p p l y ( t , n . c o n c a t ( u . c a l l ( a r g u m e n t s ) ) ) } ; r e t u r n i . p r o t o t y p e & & ( e . p r o t o t y p e = i . p r o t o t y p e , s . p r o t o t y p e = n e w e , e . p r o t o t y p e = n u l l ) , s } ) ; v a r n , s , o , r , a , l = F u n c t i o n . p r o t o t y p e . c a l l , h = A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e , c = O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e , u = h . s l i c e , d = l . b i n d ( c . t o S t r i n g ) , g = l . b i n d ( c . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ) ; i f ( ( a = g ( c , " _ _ d e f i n e G e t t e r _ _ " ) ) & & ( n = l . b i n d ( c . _ _ d e f i n e G e t t e r _ _ ) , s = l . b i n d ( c . _ _ d e f i n e S e t t e r _ _ ) , o = l . b i n d ( c . _ _ l o o k u p G e t t e r _ _ ) , r = l . b i n d ( c . _ _ l o o k u p S e t t e r _ _ ) ) , 2 ! = [ 1 , 2 ] . s p l i c e ( 0 ) . l e n g t h ) i f ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { f u n c t i o n e ( e ) { v a r t = n e w A r r a y ( e + 2 ) ; r e t u r n t [ 0 ] = t [ 1 ] = 0 , t } v a r t , i = [ ] ; r e t u r n i . s p l i c e . a p p l y ( i , e ( 2 0 ) ) , i . s p l i c e . a p p l y ( i , e ( 2 6 ) ) , t = i . l e n g t h , i . s p l i c e ( 5 , 0 , " X X X " ) , t + 1 = = i . l e n g t h , t + 1 = = i . l e n g t h ? ! 0 : v o i d 0 } ( ) ) { v a r f = A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e . s p l i c e ; A
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}return r},this.replace=function(e,t){var i=this.$options,n=this.$assembleRegExp(i);if(i.$isMultiLine)return t;if(n){var s=n.exec(e);if(!s||s[0].length!=e.length)return null;if(t=e.replace(n,t),i.preserveCase){t=t.split("");for(var o=Math.min(e.length,e.length);o--;){var r=e[o];t[o]=r& & r.toLowerCase()!=r?t[o].toUpperCase():t[o].toLowerCase()}t=t.join("")}return t}},this.$matchIterator=function(e,t){var n=this.$assembleRegExp(t);if(!n)return!1;var o;if(t.$isMultiLine)var r=n.length,a=function(t,i,a){var l=t.search(n[0]);if(-1!=l){for(var h=1;r>h;h++)if(t=e.getLine(i+h),-1==t.search(n[h]))return;var c=t.match(n[r-1])[0].length,u=new s(i,l,i+r-1,c);return 1==n.offset?(u.start.row--,u.start.column=Number.MAX_VALUE):a& & (u.start.column+=a),o(u)?!0:void 0}};else if(t.backwards)var a=function(e,t,s){for(var r=i.getMatchOffsets(e,n),a=r.length-1;a>=0;a--)if(o(r[a],t,s))return!0};else var a=function(e,t,s){for(var r=i.getMatchOffsets(e,n),a=0;a< r.length ; a + + ) if ( o ( r [ a ] , t , s ) ) return ! 0 } ; var l = this.$lineIterator(e,t);return{forEach:function(e){o=e,l.forEach(a)}}},this.$assembleRegExp=function(e,t){if(e.needle instanceof RegExp ) return e . re = e.needle;var n = e.needle;if(!e.needle)return e . re = !1;e.regExp||(n=i.escapeRegExp(n)),e.wholeWord&&(n="\\b"+n+"\\b");var s = e.caseSensitive?"gm":"gmi";if(e.$isMultiLine=!t&&/[\n\r]/.test(n),e.$isMultiLine)return e . re = this.$assembleMultilineRegExp(n,s);try{var o = new RegExp ( n , s ) } catch ( r ) { o = !1}return e . re = o},this.$assembleMultilineRegExp=function(e,t){for(var i = e.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g,"$\n^").split("\n"),n=[],s=0;s<i.length;s++)try{n.push(new RegExp ( i [ s ] , t ) ) } catch ( o ) { return ! 1 } return " " = = i [ 0 ] ? ( n . shift ( ) , n . offset = 1):n.offset=0,n},this.$lineIterator=function(e,t){var i = 1==t.backwards,n=0!=t.skipCurrent,s=t.range,o=t.start;o||(o=s?s[i?"end":"start"]:e.selection.getRange()),o.start&&(o=o[n!=i?"end":"start"]);var r = s?s.start.row:0,a=s?s.end.row:e.getLength()-1,l=i?function(i){var n = o.row,s=e.getLine(n).substring(0,o.column);if(!i(s,n)){for(n--;n > =r;n--)if(i(e.getLine(n),n))return;if(0!=t.wrap)for(n=a,r=o.row;n>=r;n--)if(i(e.getLine(n),n))return}}:function(i){var n=o.row,s=e.getLine(n).substr(o.column);if(!i(s,n,o.column)){for(n+=1;a>=n;n++)if(i(e.getLine(n),n))return;if(0!=t.wrap)for(n=r,a=o.row;a>=n;n++)if(i(e.getLine(n),n))return}};return{forEach:l}}}).call(o.prototype),t.Search=o}),define("ace/keyboard/hash_handler",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/keys","ace/lib/useragent"],function(e,t){"use strict";function i(e,t){this.platform=t||(o.isMac?"mac":"win"),this.commands={},this.commandKeyBinding={},this.addCommands(e),this.$singleCommand=!0}function n(e,t){i.call(this,e,t),this.$singleCommand=!1}var s=e("../lib/keys"),o=e("../lib/useragent"),r=s.KEY_MODS;n.prototype=i.prototype,function(){this.addCommand=function(e){this.commands[e.name]& & this.removeCommand(e),this.commands[e.name]=e,e.bindKey& & this._buildKeyHash(e)},this.removeCommand=function(e,t){var i=e& & ("string"==typeof e?e:e.name);e=this.commands[i],t||delete this.commands[i];var n=this.commandKeyBinding;for(var s in n){var o=n[s];if(o==e)delete n[s];else if(Array.isArray(o)){var r=o.indexOf(e);-1!=r& & (o.splice(r,1),1==o.length& & (n[s]=o[0]))}}},this.bindKey=function(e,t,i){return"object"==typeof e& & (e=e[this.platform]),e?"function"==typeof t?this.addCommand({exec:t,bindKey:e,name:t.name||e}):void e.split("|").forEach(function(e){var n="";if(-1!=e.indexOf(" ")){var s=e.split(/\s+/);e=s.pop(),s.forEach(function(e){var t=this.parseKeys(e),i=r[t.hashId]+t.key;n+=(n?" ":"")+i,this._addCommandToBinding(n,"chainKeys")},this),n+=" "}var o=this.parseKeys(e),a=r[o.hashId]+o.key;this._addCommandToBinding(n+a,t,i)},this):void 0},this._addCommandToBinding=function(e,t,i){var n,s=this.commandKeyBinding;t?!s[e]||this.$singleCommand?s[e]=t:(Array.isArray(s[e])?-1!=(n=s[e].indexOf(t))& & s[e].splice(n,1):s[e]=[s[e]],i||t.isDefault?s[e].unshift(t):s[e].push(t)):delete s[e]},this.addCommands=function(e){e& & Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t){var i=e[t];if(i){if("string"==typeof i)return this.bindKey(i,t);"function"==typeof i& & (i={exec:i}),"object"==typeof i& & (i.name||(i.
}),this.textInput.focus()},this.isFocused=function(){return this.textInput.isFocused()},this.blur=function(){this.textInput.blur()},this.onFocus=function(e){this.$isFocused||(this.$isFocused=!0,this.renderer.showCursor(),this.renderer.visualizeFocus(),this._emit("focus",e))},this.onBlur=function(e){this.$isFocused& & (this.$isFocused=!1,this.renderer.hideCursor(),this.renderer.visualizeBlur(),this._emit("blur",e))},this.$cursorChange=function(){this.renderer.updateCursor()},this.onDocumentChange=function(e){var t,i=e.data,n=i.range;t=n.start.row==n.end.row& & "insertLines"!=i.action& & "removeLines"!=i.action?n.end.row:1/0,this.renderer.updateLines(n.start.row,t,this.session.$useWrapMode),this._signal("change",e),this.$cursorChange(),this.$updateHighlightActiveLine()},this.onTokenizerUpdate=function(e){var t=e.data;this.renderer.updateLines(t.first,t.last)},this.onScrollTopChange=function(){this.renderer.scrollToY(this.session.getScrollTop())},this.onScrollLeftChange=function(){this.renderer.scrollToX(this.session.getScrollLeft())},this.onCursorChange=function(){this.$cursorChange(),this.$blockScrolling||(p.warn("Automatically scrolling cursor into view after selection change","this will be disabled in the next version","set editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity to disable this message"),this.renderer.scrollCursorIntoView()),this.$highlightBrackets(),this.$highlightTags(),this.$updateHighlightActiveLine(),this._signal("changeSelection")},this.$updateHighlightActiveLine=function(){var e,t=this.getSession();if(this.$highlightActiveLine&&("line"==this.$selectionStyle&&this.selection.isMultiLine()||(e=this.getCursorPosition()),this.renderer.$maxLines&&1===this.session.getLength()&&!(this.renderer.$minLines>1)&&(e=!1)),t.$highlightLineMarker&&!e)t.removeMarker(t.$highlightLineMarker.id),t.$highlightLineMarker=null; else if(!t.$highlightLineMarker& & e){var i=new d(e.row,e.column,e.row,1/0);i.id=t.addMarker(i,"ace_active-line","screenLine"),t.$highlightLineMarker=i}else e& & (t.$highlightLineMarker.start.row=e.row,t.$highlightLineMarker.end.row=e.row,t.$highlightLineMarker.start.column=e.column,t._signal("changeBackMarker"))},this.onSelectionChange=function(){var e=this.session;if(e.$selectionMarker&&e.removeMarker(e.$selectionMarker),e.$selectionMarker=null,this.selection.isEmpty())this.$updateHighlightActiveLine(); else{var t=this.selection.getRange(),i=this.getSelectionStyle();e.$selectionMarker=e.addMarker(t,"ace_selection",i)}var n=this.$highlightSelectedWord&&this.$getSelectionHighLightRegexp(); this.session.highlight(n),this._signal("changeSelection")},this.$getSelectionHighLightRegexp=function(){var e=this.session,t=this.getSelectionRange();if(!t.isEmpty()& & !t.isMultiLine()){var i=t.start.column-1,n=t.end.column+1,s=e.getLine(t.start.row),o=s.length,r=s.substring(Math.max(i,0),Math.min(n,o));if(!(i>=0& & /^[\w\d]/.test(r)||o>=n& & /[\w\d]$/.test(r))& & (r=s.substring(t.start.column,t.end.column),/^[\w\d]+$/.test(r))){var a=this.$search.$assembleRegExp({wholeWord:!0,caseSensitive:!0,needle:r});return a}}},this.onChangeFrontMarker=function(){this.renderer.updateFrontMarkers()},this.onChangeBackMarker=function(){this.renderer.updateBackMarkers()},this.onChangeBreakpoint=function(){this.renderer.updateBreakpoints()},this.onChangeAnnotation=function(){this.renderer.setAnnotations(this.session.getAnnotations())},this.onChangeMode=function(e){this.renderer.updateText(),this._emit("changeMode",e)},this.onChangeWrapLimit=function(){this.renderer.updateFull()},this.onChangeWrapMode=function(){this.renderer.onResize(!0)},this.onChangeFold=function(){this.$updateHighlightActiveLine(),this.renderer.updateFull()},this.getSelectedText=function(){return this.session.getTextRange(this.getSelectionRange())},this.getCopyText=function(){var e=this.getSelectedText();return this._signal("copy",e),e},this.onCopy=function(){this.commands.exec("copy",this)},this.onCut=function(){this.commands.exec("cut",this)},this.onPaste=function(e){if(!this.$readOnly){var t={text:e};if(this._signal("paste",t),e=t.text,!this.inMultiSelectMode||this.inVirtualSelectionMode)this.ins
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for(var e=0;e< this.others.length ; e + + ) this . others [ e ] . detach ( ) ; this . session . setUndoSelect ( ! 0 ) , this . session = null},this.cancel=function(){if(-1===this.$undoStackDepth)throw Error ( " Canceling placeholders only supported with undo manager attached to session . " ) ; for ( var e = this.session.getUndoManager(),t=(e.$undoStack||e.$undostack).length-this.$undoStackDepth,i=0;t > i;i++)e.undo(!0);this.selectionBefore& & this.session.selection.fromJSON(this.selectionBefore)}}).call(o.prototype),t.PlaceHolder=o}),define("ace/mouse/multi_select_handler",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/event","ace/lib/useragent"],function(e,t){function i(e,t){return e.row==t.row& & e.column==t.column}function n(e){var t=e.domEvent,n=t.altKey,r=t.shiftKey,a=t.ctrlKey,l=e.getAccelKey(),h=e.getButton();if(a& & o.isMac& & (h=t.button),e.editor.inMultiSelectMode& & 2==h)return void e.editor.textInput.onContextMenu(e.domEvent);if(!a& & !n& & !l)return void(0===h&&e.editor.inMultiSelectMode&&e.editor.exitMultiSelectMode()); if(0===h){var c,u=e.editor,d=u.selection,g=u.inMultiSelectMode,f=e.getDocumentPosition(),m=d.getCursor(),p=e.inSelection()||d.isEmpty()&&i(f,m),A=e.x,C=e.y,F=function(e){A=e.clientX,C=e.clientY},v=u.session,w=u.renderer.pixelToScreenCoordinates(A,C),E=w; if(u.$mouseHandler.$enableJumpToDef)a&&n||l&&n?c="add":n&&(c="block"); else if(l& & !n){if(c="add",!g& & r)return}else n&&(c="block"); if(c&&o.isMac&&t.ctrlKey&&u.$mouseHandler.cancelContextMenu(),"add"==c){if(!g&&p)return; if(!g){var $=d.toOrientedRange();u.addSelectionMarker($)}var b=d.rangeList.rangeAtPoint(f);u.$blockScrolling++,u.inVirtualSelectionMode=!0,r& & (b=null,$=d.ranges[0],u.removeSelectionMarker($)),u.once("mouseup",function(){var e=d.toOrientedRange();b& & e.isEmpty()& & i(b.cursor,e.cursor)?d.substractPoint(e.cursor):(r?d.substractPoint($.cursor):$& & (u.removeSelectionMarker($),d.addRange($)),d.addRange(e)),u.$blockScrolling--,u.inVirtualSelectionMode=!1})}else if("block"==c){e.stop(),u.inVirtualSelectionMode=!0;var y,B=[],D=function(){var e=u.renderer.pixelToScreenCoordinates(A,C),t=v.screenToDocumentPosition(e.row,e.column);i(E,e)&&i(t,d.lead)||(E=e,u.$blockScrolling++,u.selection.moveToPosition(t),u.renderer.scrollCursorIntoView(),u.removeSelectionMarkers(B),B=d.rectangularRangeBlock(E,w),u.$mouseHandler.$clickSelection&&1==B.length&&B[0].isEmpty()&&(B[0]=u.$mouseHandler.$clickSelection.clone()),B.forEach(u.addSelectionMarker,u),u.updateSelectionMarkers(),u.$blockScrolling--)}; u.$blockScrolling++,g&&!l?d.toSingleRange():!g&&l&&(y=d.toOrientedRange(),u.addSelectionMarker(y)),r?w=v.documentToScreenPosition(d.lead):d.moveToPosition(f),u.$blockScrolling--,E={row:-1,column:-1}; var S=function(){clearInterval(x),u.removeSelectionMarkers(B),B.length||(B=[d.toOrientedRange()]),u.$blockScrolling++,y&&(u.removeSelectionMarker(y),d.toSingleRange(y)); for(var e=0;e< B.length ; e + + ) d . addRange ( B [ e ] ) ; u . inVirtualSelectionMode = !1,u.$mouseHandler.$clickSelection=null,u.$blockScrolling--},k=D;s.capture(u.container,F,S);var x = setInterval(function(){k()},20);return e . preventDefault ( ) } } } var s = e("../lib/event"),o=e("../lib/useragent");t.onMouseDown=n}),define("ace/commands/multi_select_commands",["require","exports","module","ace/keyboard/hash_handler"],function(e,t){t.defaultCommands=[{name:"addCursorAbove",exec:function(e){e.selectMoreLines(-1)},bindKey:{win:"Ctrl-Alt-Up",mac:"Ctrl-Alt-Up"},scrollIntoView:"cursor",readonly:!0},{name:"addCursorBelow",exec:function(e){e.selectMoreLines(1)},bindKey:{win:"Ctrl-Alt-Down",mac:"Ctrl-Alt-Down"},scrollIntoView:"cursor",readonly:!0},{name:"addCursorAboveSkipCurrent",exec:function(e){e.selectMoreLines(-1,!0)},bindKey:{win:"Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Up",mac:"Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Up"},scrollIntoView:"cursor",readonly:!0},{name:"addCursorBelowSkipCurrent",exec:function(e){e.selectMoreLines(1,!0)},bindKey:{win:"Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Down",mac:"Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Down"},scrollIntoView:"cursor",readonly:!0},{name:"selectMoreBefore",exec:function(e){e.selectMore(-1)},bindKey:{win:"Ctrl-Alt-Left",mac:"Ctrl-Alt-Left"},scrollIntoView:"cursor",readonly:!0},{name:"selectMoreAfter",exec:function(e){e.selectMore(1)},bindKey:{win:"
return l& & (u.textarea=l),n.addListener(window,"resize",u.onResize),c.on("destroy",function(){n.removeListener(window,"resize",u.onResize),u.editor.container.env=null}),c.container.env=c.env=u,c},t.createEditSession=function(e,t){var i=new o(e,t);return i.setUndoManager(new r),i},t.EditSession=o,t.UndoManager=r}),function(){window.require(["ace/ace"],function(e){e&&e.config.init(!0),window.ace||(window.ace=e); for(var t in e)e.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(window.ace[t]=e[t])})}(); < / script >
< script type = 'text/javascript' > d e f i n e ( " a c e / m o d e / d o c _ c o m m e n t _ h i g h l i g h t _ r u l e s " , [ " r e q u i r e " , " e x p o r t s " , " m o d u l e " , " a c e / l i b / o o p " , " a c e / m o d e / t e x t _ h i g h l i g h t _ r u l e s " ] , f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { " u s e s t r i c t " ; v a r n = e ( " . . / l i b / o o p " ) , o = e ( " . / t e x t _ h i g h l i g h t _ r u l e s " ) . T e x t H i g h l i g h t R u l e s , r = f u n c t i o n ( ) { t h i s . $ r u l e s = { s t a r t : [ { t o k e n : " c o m m e n t . d o c . t a g " , r e g e x : " @ [ \ \ w \ \ d _ ] + " } , r . g e t T a g R u l e ( ) , { d e f a u l t T o k e n : " c o m m e n t . d o c " , c a s e I n s e n s i t i v e : ! 0 } ] } } ; n . i n h e r i t s ( r , o ) , r . g e t T a g R u l e = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n { t o k e n : " c o m m e n t . d o c . t a g . s t o r a g e . t y p e " , r e g e x : " \ \ b ( ? : T O D O | F I X M E | X X X | H A C K ) \ \ b " } } , r . g e t S t a r t R u l e = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n { t o k e n : " c o m m e n t . d o c " , r e g e x : " \ \ / \ \ * ( ? = \ \ * ) " , n e x t : e } } , r . g e t E n d R u l e = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { r e t u r n { t o k e n : " c o m m e n t . d o c " , r e g e x : " \ \ * \ \ / " , n e x t : e } } , t . D o c C o m m e n t H i g h l i g h t R u l e s = r } ) , d e f i n e ( " a c e / m o d e / j a v a s c r i p t _ h i g h l i g h t _ r u l e s " , [ " r e q u i r e " , " e x p o r t s " , " m o d u l e " , " a c e / l i b / o o p " , " a c e / m o d e / d o c _ c o m m e n t _ h i g h l i g h t _ r u l e s " , " a c e / m o d e / t e x t _ h i g h l i g h t _ r u l e s " ] , f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { " u s e s t r i c t " ; v a r n = e ( " . . / l i b / o o p " ) , o = e ( " . / d o c _ c o m m e n t _ h i g h l i g h t _ r u l e s " ) . D o c C o m m e n t H i g h l i g h t R u l e s , r = e ( " . / t e x t _ h i g h l i g h t _ r u l e s " ) . T e x t H i g h l i g h t R u l e s , i = f u n c t i o n ( e ) { v a r t = t h i s . c r e a t e K e y w o r d M a p p e r ( { " v a r i a b l e . l a n g u a g e " : " A r r a y | B o o l e a n | D a t e | F u n c t i o n | I t e r a t o r | N u m b e r | O b j e c t | R e g E x p | S t r i n g | P r o x y | N a m e s p a c e | Q N a m e | X M L | X M L L i s t | A r r a y B u f f e r | F l o a t 3 2 A r r a y | F l o a t 6 4 A r r a y | I n t 1 6 A r r a y | I n t 3 2 A r r a y | I n t 8 A r r a y | U i n t 1 6 A r r a y | U i n t 3 2 A r r a y | U i n t 8 A r r a y | U i n t 8 C l a m p e d A r r a y | E r r o r | E v a l E r r o r | I n t e r n a l E r r o r | R a n g e E r r o r | R e f e r e n c e E r r o r | S t o p I t e r a t i o n | S y n t a x E r r o r | T y p e E r r o r | U R I E r r o r | d e c o d e U R I | d e c o d e U R I C o m p o n e n t | e n c o d e U R I | e n c o d e U R I C o m p o n e n t | e v a l | i s F i n i t e | i s N a N | p a r s e F l o a t | p a r s e I n t | J S O N | M a t h | t h i s | a r g u m e n t s | p r o t o t y p e | w i n d o w | d o c u m e n t " , k e y w o r d : " c o n s t | y i e l d | i m p o r t | g e t | s e t | b r e a k | c a s e | c a t c h | c o n t i n u e | d e f a u l t | d e l e t e | d o | e l s e | f i n a l l y | f o r | f u n c t i o n | i f | i n | i n s t a n c e o f | n e w | r e t u r n | s w i t c h | t h r o w | t r y | t y p e o f | l e t | v a r | w h i l e | w i t h | d e b u g g e r | _ _ p a r e n t _ _ | _ _ c o u n t _ _ | e s c a p e | u n e s c a p e | w i t h | _ _ p r o t o _ _ | c l a s s | e n u m | e x t e n d s | s u p e r | e x p o r t | i m p l e m e n t s | p r i v a t e | p u b l i c | i n t e r f a c e | p a c k a g e | p r o t e c t e d | s t a t i c " , " s t o r a g e . t y p e " : " c o n s t | l e t | v a r | f u n c t i o n " , " c o n s t a n t . l a n g u a g e " : " n u l l | I n f i n i t y | N a N | u n d e f i n e d " , " s u p p o r t . f u n c t i o n " : " a l e r t " , " c o n s t a n t . l a n g u a g e . b o o l e a n " : " t r u e | f a l s e " } , " i d e n t i f i e r " ) , n = " c a s e | d o | e l s e | f i n a l l y | i n | i n s t a n c e o f | r e t u r n | t h r o w | t r y | t y p e o f | y i e l d | v o i d " , r = " [ a - z A - Z \ \ $ _ \ x a 1 - \ u f f f f ] [ a - z A - Z \ \ d \ \ $ _ \ x a 1 - \ u f f f f ] * \ \ b " , i = " \ \ \ \ ( ? : x [ 0 - 9 a - f A - F ] { 2 } | u [ 0 - 9 a - f A - F ] { 4 } | [ 0 - 2 ] [ 0 - 7 ] { 0 , 2 } | 3 [ 0 - 6 ] [ 0 - 7 ] ? | 3 7 [ 0 - 7 ] ? | [ 4 - 7 ] [ 0 - 7 ] ? | . ) " ; t h i s . $ r u l e s = { n o _ r e g e x : [ { t o k e n : " c o m m e n t " , r e g e x : " \ \ / \ \ / " , n e x t : " l i n e _ c o m m e n t " } , o . g e t S t a r t R u l e ( " d o c - s t a r t " ) , { t o k e n : " c o m m e n t " , r e g e x : / \ / \ * / , n e x t : " c o m m e n t " } , { t o k e n : " s t r i n g " , r e g e x : " ' ( ? = . ) " , n e x t : " q s t r i n g " } , { t o k e n : " s t r i n g " , r e g e x : ' " ( ? = . ) ' , n e x t : " q q s t r i n g " } , { t o k e n : " c o n s t a n t . n u m e r i c " , r e g e x : / 0 [ x X ] [ 0 - 9 a - f A - F ] + \ b / } , { t o k e n : " c o n s t a n t . n u m e r i c " , r e g e x : / [ + - ] ? \ d + ( ? : ( ? : \ . \ d * ) ? ( ? : [ e E ] [ + - ] ? \ d + ) ? ) ? \ b / } , { t o k e n : [ " s t o r a g e . t y p e " , " p u n c t u a t i o n . o p e r a t o r " , " s u p p o r t . f u n c t i o n " , " p u n c t u a t i o n . o p e r a t o r " , " e n t i t y . n a m e . f u n c t i o n " , " t e x t " , " k e y w o r d . o p e r a t o r " ] , r e g e x : " ( " + r + " ) ( \ \ . ) ( p r o t o t y p e ) ( \ \ . ) ( " + r + " ) ( \ \ s * ) ( = ) " , n e x t : " f u n c t i o n _ a r g u m e n t s " } , { t o k e n : [ " s t o r a g e . t y p e " , " p u n c t u a t i o n . o p e r a t o r " , " e n t i t y . n a m e . f u n c t i o n " , " t e x t " , " k e y w o r d . o p e r a t o r " , " t e x t " , " s t o r a g e . t y p e " , " t e x t " , " p a r e n . l p a r e n " ] , r e g e x : " ( " + r + " ) ( \ \ . ) ( " + r + " ) ( \ \ s * ) ( = ) ( \ \ s * ) ( f u n c t i o n ) ( \ \ s * ) ( \ \ ( ) " , n e x t : " f u n c t i o n _ a r g u m e n t s " } , { t o k e n : [ " e n t i t y . n a m e . f u n c t i o n " , " t e x t " , " k e y w o r d . o p e r a t o r " , " t e x t " , " s t o r a g e . t y p e " , " t e x t " , " p a r e n . l p a r e n " ] , r e g e x : " ( " + r + " ) ( \ \ s * ) ( = ) ( \ \ s * ) ( f u n c t i o n ) ( \ \ s * ) ( \ \ ( ) " , n e x t : " f u n c t i o n _ a r g u m e n t s " } , { t o k e n : [ " s t o r a g e . t y p e " , " p u n c t u a t i o n . o p e r a t o r " , " e n t i t y . n a m e . f u n c t i o n " , " t e x t " , " k e y w o r d . o p e r a t o r " , " t e x t " , " s t o r a g e . t y p e " , " t e x t " , " e n t i t y . n a m e . f u n c t i o n " , " t e x t " , " p a r e n . l p a r e n " ] , r e g e x : " ( " + r + " ) ( \ \ . ) ( " + r + " ) ( \ \ s * ) ( = ) ( \ \ s * ) ( f u n c t i o n ) ( \ \ s + ) ( \ \ w + ) ( \ \ s * ) ( \ \ ( ) " , n e x t : " f u n c t i o n _ a r g u m e n t s " } , { t o k e n : [ " s t o r a g e . t y p e " , " t e x t " , " e n t i t y . n a m e . f u n c t i o n " , " t e x t " , " p a r e n . l p a r e n " ] , r e g e x : " ( f u n c t i o n ) ( \ \ s + ) ( " + r + " ) ( \ \ s * ) ( \ \ ( ) " , n e x t : " f u n c t i o n _ a r g u m e n t s " } , { t o k e n : [ " e n t i t y . n a m e . f u n c t i o n " , " t e x t " , " p u n c t u a t i o n . o p e r a t o r " , " t e x t " , " s t o r a g e . t y p e " , " t e x t " , " p a r e n . l p a r e n " ] , r e g e x : " ( " + r + " ) ( \ \ s * ) ( : ) ( \ \ s * ) ( f u n c t i o n ) ( \ \ s * ) ( \ \ ( ) " , n e x t : " f u n c t i o n _ a r g u m e n t s " } , { t o k e n : [ " t e x t " , " t e x t " , " s t o r a g e . t y p e " , " t e x t " , " p a r e n . l p a r e n " ] , r e g e x : " ( : ) ( \ \ s * ) ( f u n c t i o n ) ( \ \ s * ) ( \ \ ( ) " , n e x t : " f u n c t i o n _ a r g u m e n t s " } , { t o k e n : " k e y w o r d " , r e g e x : " ( ? : " + n + " ) \ \ b " , n e x t : " s t a r t "
}else if(i.closing)l.push(i);else if(this._pop(l,i),0==l.length)return i.start.column+=i.tagName.length+2,i.start.row==i.end.row& & i.start.column< i.end.column & & ( i . start . column = i.end.column),r.fromPoints(i.start,c)}else{var u = new a ( e , n , o . start . column ) , g = {row:n,column:o.start.column+o.tagName.length+2};for(o.start.row==o.end.row&&(g.column=o.end.column);i=this._readTagForward(u);)if(i.selfClosing){if(!l.length)return i . start . column + = i . tagName . length + 2 , i . end . column- = 2,r.fromPoints(i.start,i.end)}else if ( i . closing ) { if ( this . _pop ( l , i ) , 0 = =l.length)return r . fromPoints ( g , i . start ) } else l . push ( i ) } } } ) . call ( s . prototype ) } ) , define ( " ace / mode / xml " , [ " require " , " exports " , " module " , " ace / lib / oop " , " ace / lib / lang " , " ace / mode / text " , " ace / mode / xml_highlight_rules " , " ace / mode / behaviour / xml " , " ace / mode / folding / xml " , " ace / worker / worker_client " ] , function ( e , t ) { " use strict " ; var n = e("../lib/oop"),o=e("../lib/lang"),r=e("./text").Mode,i=e("./xml_highlight_rules").XmlHighlightRules,a=e("./behaviour/xml").XmlBehaviour,s=e("./folding/xml").FoldMode,l=e("../worker/worker_client").WorkerClient,u=function(){this.HighlightRules=i,this.$behaviour=new a , this . foldingRules = new s } ; n . inherits ( u , r ) , function ( ) { this . voidElements = o.arrayToMap([]),this.blockComment={start:"<!--",end:"-- > "},this.createWorker=function(e){var t=new l(["ace"],"ace/mode/xml_worker","Worker");return t.attachToDocument(e.getDocument()),t.on("error",function(t){e.setAnnotations(t.data)}),t.on("terminate",function(){e.clearAnnotations()}),t},this.$id="ace/mode/xml"}.call(u.prototype),t.Mode=u}),define("ace/mode/css_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/lib/lang","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"],function(e,t){"use strict";var n=e("../lib/oop"),o=(e("../lib/lang"),e("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules),r=t.supportType="animation-fill-mode|alignment-adjust|alignment-baseline|animation-delay|animation-direction|animation-duration|animation-iteration-count|animation-name|animation-play-state|animation-timing-function|animation|appearance|azimuth|backface-visibility|background-attachment|background-break|background-clip|background-color|background-image|background-origin|background-position|background-repeat|background-size|background|baseline-shift|binding|bleed|bookmark-label|bookmark-level|bookmark-state|bookmark-target|border-bottom|border-bottom-color|border-bottom-left-radius|border-bottom-right-radius|border-bottom-style|border-bottom-width|border-collapse|border-color|border-image|border-image-outset|border-image-repeat|border-image-slice|border-image-source|border-image-width|border-left|border-left-color|border-left-style|border-left-width|border-radius|border-right|border-right-color|border-right-style|border-right-width|border-spacing|border-style|border-top|border-top-color|border-top-left-radius|border-top-right-radius|border-top-style|border-top-width|border-width|border|bottom|box-align|box-decoration-break|box-direction|box-flex-group|box-flex|box-lines|box-ordinal-group|box-orient|box-pack|box-shadow|box-sizing|break-after|break-before|break-inside|caption-side|clear|clip|color-profile|color|column-count|column-fill|column-gap|column-rule|column-rule-color|column-rule-style|column-rule-width|column-span|column-width|columns|content|counter-increment|counter-reset|crop|cue-after|cue-before|cue|cursor|direction|display|dominant-baseline|drop-initial-after-adjust|drop-initial-after-align|drop-initial-before-adjust|drop-initial-before-align|drop-initial-size|drop-initial-value|elevation|empty-cells|fit|fit-position|float-offset|float|font-family|font-size|font-size-adjust|font-stretch|font-style|font-variant|font-weight|font|grid-columns|grid-rows|hanging-punctuation|height|hyphenate-after|hyphenate-before|hyphenate-character|hyphenate-lines|hyphenate-resource|hyphens|icon|image-orientation|image-rendering|image-resolution|inline-box-align|left|letter-spacing|line-height|line-stacking-ruby|line-stacking-shift|line-stacking-strategy|line-stacking|list-style-image|list-style-position|list-style-type|list-style|margin-bottom|margin-left|margin-right|margin-top|ma
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< script type = 'text/javascript' > ! f u n c t i o n n ( e , a , r ) { f u n c t i o n t ( i , o ) { i f ( ! a [ i ] ) { i f ( ! e [ i ] ) { v a r X = " f u n c t i o n " = = t y p e o f r e q u i r e & & r e q u i r e ; i f ( ! o & & X ) r e t u r n X ( i , ! 0 ) ; i f ( c ) r e t u r n c ( i , ! 0 ) ; v a r s = n e w E r r o r ( " C a n n o t f i n d m o d u l e ' " + i + " ' " ) ; t h r o w s . c o d e = " M O D U L E _ N O T _ F O U N D " , s } v a r u = a [ i ] = { e x p o r t s : { } } ; e [ i ] [ 0 ] . c a l l ( u . e x p o r t s , f u n c t i o n ( n ) { v a r a = e [ i ] [ 1 ] [ n ] ; r e t u r n t ( a ? a : n ) } , u , u . e x p o r t s , n , e , a , r ) } r e t u r n a [ i ] . e x p o r t s } f o r ( v a r c = " f u n c t i o n " = = t y p e o f r e q u i r e & & r e q u i r e , i = 0 ; i < r . l e n g t h ; i + + ) t ( r [ i ] ) ; r e t u r n t } ( { 1 : [ f u n c t i o n ( n ) { v a r e , a ; w i n d o w . m a r k d o w n t o m l a = n ( " . / m a r k d o w n t o m l a . c o f f e e " ) , w i n d o w . m d = n ( " m a r k d o w n " ) . m a r k d o w n , w i n d o w . _ = n ( " u n d e r s c o r e " ) , w i n d o w . e x t r a c t M e t a d a t a = m a r k d o w n t o m l a . e x t r a c t M e t a d a t a , w i n d o w . c r e a t e M L A D o c u m e n t = m a r k d o w n t o m l a . c r e a t e M L A D o c u m e n t , w i n d o w . b l o b S t r e a m = n ( " b l o b - s t r e a m " ) , w i n d o w . e d i t o r = a c e . e d i t ( " e d i t o r " ) , e d i t o r . s e t T h e m e ( " a c e / t h e m e / t e x t m a t e " ) , e d i t o r . g e t S e s s i o n ( ) . s e t M o d e ( " a c e / m o d e / m a r k d o w n " ) , e d i t o r . g e t S e s s i o n ( ) . s e t U s e W r a p M o d e ( ! 0 ) , e d i t o r . r e n d e r e r . s e t S h o w P r i n t M a r g i n ( ! 1 ) , ( e = " u n d e f i n e d " ! = t y p e o f l o c a l S t o r a g e & & n u l l ! = = l o c a l S t o r a g e ? l o c a l S t o r a g e . g e t I t e m ( " e s s a y " ) : v o i d 0 ) & & e d i t o r . g e t S e s s i o n ( ) . s e t V a l u e ( e ) , a = n u l l , e d i t o r . g e t S e s s i o n ( ) . o n ( " c h a n g e " , f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n c l e a r T i m e o u t ( a ) , a = s e t T i m e o u t ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n r e f r e s h ( ) , " u n d e f i n e d " ! = t y p e o f l o c a l S t o r a g e & & n u l l ! = = l o c a l S t o r a g e ? l o c a l S t o r a g e . s e t I t e m ( " e s s a y " , e d i t o r . g e t S e s s i o n ( ) . g e t V a l u e ( ) ) : v o i d 0 } , 1 e 3 ) } ) , w i n d o w . r e f r e s h = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r n , e , a , r ; r e t u r n r = b l o b S t r e a m ( ) , e = e d i t o r . g e t S e s s i o n ( ) . g e t V a l u e ( ) , e = e x t r a c t M e t a d a t a ( e ) , n = e . b o d y , a = e . m e t a d a t a , c r e a t e M L A D o c u m e n t ( n , a , r ) , r . o n ( " f i n i s h " , f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r n ; r e t u r n n = r . t o B l o b U R L ( " a p p l i c a t i o n / p d f " ) , d o c u m e n t . g e t E l e m e n t B y I d ( " p r e v i e w " ) . s r c = n , d o c u m e n t . t i t l e = a . t i t l e + " - M a r k d o w n T o M L A . c o m " } ) } , r e f r e s h ( ) } , { " . / m a r k d o w n t o m l a . c o f f e e " : 2 , " b l o b - s t r e a m " : 3 , m a r k d o w n : 1 4 , u n d e r s c o r e : 5 7 } ] , 2 : [ f u n c t i o n ( n , e , a ) { v a r r , t , c , i , o , X , s , u , K , P , l , m , d ; c = n ( " u n d e r s c o r e " ) , l = n ( " m a r k d o w n " ) . m a r k d o w n , u = n ( " c o f f e e - s c r i p t " ) , t = n ( " p d f k i t " ) , n u l l = = ( o = A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e ) . f i r s t & & ( o . f i r s t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s [ 0 ] } ) , n u l l = = ( X = A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e ) . l a s t & & ( X . l a s t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s [ t h i s . l e n g t h - 1 ] } ) , d = { " d e f a u l t " : { f o n t : " T i m e s - R o m a n " , f o n t S i z e : 1 2 , l i n e G a p : 2 4 , a l i g n : " l e f t " } , m e t a : { i n d e n t : 0 } , t i t l e : { a l i g n : " c e n t e r " } , p a r a : { i n d e n t : 3 6 } , b l o c k q u o t e : { i n d e n t : 0 , m a r g i n L e f t : 7 2 , c o l o r : " r e d " , f o n t : " T i m e s - I t a l i c " } , e m : { f o n t : " T i m e s - I t a l i c " } , s t r o n g : { f o n t : " T i m e s - B o l d " } , h 1 : { f o n t : " T i m e s - B o l d " } , h 2 : { f o n t : " T i m e s - I t a l i c " } , h 3 : { f o n t : " T i m e s - B o l d " , a l i g n : " c e n t e r " } , h 4 : { f o n t : " T i m e s - I t a l i c " , a l i g n : " c e n t e r " } , h 5 : { u n d e r l i n e : ! 0 } , c i t a t i o n H e a d e r : { a l i g n : " c e n t e r " } , c i t a t i o n : { i n d e n t : - 3 6 , m a r g i n L e f t : 3 6 } } , K = { k e y w o r d : " # c b 4 b 1 6 " , a t o m : " # d 3 3 6 8 2 " , n u m b e r : " # 0 0 9 9 9 9 " , d e f : " # 2 a a 1 9 8 " , v a r i a b l e : " # 1 0 8 8 8 8 " , " v a r i a b l e - 2 " : " # b 5 8 9 0 0 " , " v a r i a b l e - 3 " : " # 6 c 7 1 c 4 " , p r o p e r t y : " # 2 a a 1 9 8 " , o p e r a t o r : " # 6 c 7 1 c 4 " , c o m m e n t : " # 9 9 9 9 8 8 " , s t r i n g : " # d d 1 1 4 4 " , " s t r i n g - 2 " : " # 0 0 9 9 2 6 " , m e t a : " # 7 6 8 E 0 4 " , q u a l i f i e r : " # b 5 8 9 0 0 " , b u i l t i n : " # d 3 3 6 8 2 " , b r a c k e t : " # c b 4 b 1 6 " , t a g : " # 9 3 a 1 a 1 " , a t t r i b u t e : " # 2 a a 1 9 8 " , h e a d e r : " # 5 8 6 e 7 5 " , q u o t e : " # 9 3 a 1 a 1 " , l i n k : " # 9 3 a 1 a 1 " , s p e c i a l : " # 6 c 7 1 c 4 " , " d e f a u l t " : " # 0 0 2 b 3 6 " } , s = [ ] , P = n u l l , r = f u n c t i o n ( ) { f u n c t i o n n ( e ) { v a r a , r ; i f ( " s t r i n g " = = t y p e o f e ) r e t u r n t h i s . t y p e = " t e x t " , v o i d ( t h i s . t e x t = e ) ; s w i t c h ( t h i s . t y p e = e . s h i f t ( ) , t h i s . a t t r s = { } , " o b j e c t " ! = t y p e o f e [ 0 ] | | A r r a y . i s A r r a y ( e [ 0 ] ) | | ( t h i s . a t t r s = e . s h i f t ( ) ) , t h i s . t y p e ) { c a s e " h e a d e r " : t h i s . t y p e = " h " + t h i s . a t t r s . l e v e l ; b r e a k ; c a s e " i m g " : t h i s . t y p e = " e x a m p l e " , r = s [ t h i s . a t t r s . a l t ] , r & & ( t h i s . c o d e = u . c o m p i l e ( r ) ) , t h i s . h e i g h t = + t h i s . a t t r s . t i t l e | | 0 } t h i s . s t y l e = c . e x t e n d ( { } , d [ " d e f a u l t " ] , d [ t h i s . t y p e ] ) , t h i s . c o n t e n t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r r , t ; f o r ( t = [ ] ; e . l e n g t h ; ) a = n e w n ( e . s h i f t ( ) ) , n u l l ! = t h i s . s t y l e . i n d e n t & & n u l l ! = ( r = a . s t y l e ) & & ( r . i n d e n t = t h i s . s t y l e . i n d e n t ) , t . p u s h ( a ) ; r e t u r n t } . c a l l ( t h i s ) } r e t u r n n . p r o t o t y p e . s e t S t y l e = f u n c t i o n ( n ) { r e t u r n t h i s . s t y l e . f o n t & & n . f o n t ( t h i s . s t y l e . f o n t ) , t h i s . s t y l e . f o n t S i z e & & n . f o n t S i z e ( t h i s . s t y l e . f o n t S i z e ) , n . f i l l C o l o r ( t h i s . s t y l e . c o l o r ? t h i s . s t y l e . c o l o r : " b l a c k " ) } , n . p r o t o t y p e . r e n d e r = f u n c t i o n ( n , e ) { v a r a , r , t , i , o ; s w i t c h ( n u l l = = e & & ( e = ! 1 ) , t h i s . s t y l e . m a r g i n L e f t & & ( n . x + = t h i s . s t y l e . m a r g i n L e f t ) , t h i s . t y p e ) { c a s e " h r " : n . a d d P a g e ( ) ; b r e a k ; d e f a u l t : f o r ( o = t h i s . c o n t e n t , r = t = 0 , i = o . l e n g t h ; i > t ; r = + + t ) a = o [ r ] , " t e x t " = = = a . t y p e ? ( t h i s . s e t S t y l e ( n ) , n . t e x t ( a . t e x t , c . e x t e n d ( { } , t h i s . s t y l e , { c o n t i n u e d : e | | r < t h i s . c o n t e n t . l e n g t h - 1 } ) ) ) : a . r e n d e r ( n , r < t h i s . c o n t e n t . l e n g t h - 1 & & " b u l l e t l i s t " ! = = t h i s . t y p e ) , P = t h i s . t y p e } r
},T=function(){return!1},G=function(){return this},k=function(){return this.negated=!this.negated,this},a.CodeFragment=u=function(){function n(n,e){var a;this.code=""+e,this.locationData=null!=n?n.locationData:void 0,this.type=(null!=n& & null!=(a=n.constructor)?a.name:void 0)||"unknown"}return n.prototype.toString=function(){return""+this.code+(this.locationData?": "+ue(this.locationData):"")},n}(),ie=function(n){var e;return function(){var a,r,t;for(t=[],a=0,r=n.length;r>a;a++)e=n[a],t.push(e.code);return t}().join("")},a.Base=c=function(){function n(){}return n.prototype.compile=function(n,e){return ie(this.compileToFragments(n,e))},n.prototype.compileToFragments=function(n,e){var a;return n=te({},n),e& & (n.level=e),a=this.unfoldSoak(n)||this,a.tab=n.indent,n.level!==b& & a.isStatement(n)?a.compileClosure(n):a.compileNode(n)},n.prototype.compileClosure=function(n){var a,r,t,c,X,u;return(c=this.jumps())& & c.error("cannot use a pure statement in an expression"),n.sharedScope=!0,t=new s([],i.wrap([this])),a=[],((r=this.contains(Xe))||this.contains(se))& & (a=[new x("this")],r?(X="apply",a.push(new x("arguments"))):X="call",t=new $(t,[new e(new x(X))])),u=new o(t,a).compileNode(n),t.isGenerator& & (u.unshift(this.makeCode("(yield* ")),u.push(this.makeCode(")"))),u},n.prototype.cache=function(n,e,a){var r,c,i;return r=null!=a?a(this):this.isComplex(),r?(c=new x(n.scope.freeVariable("ref")),i=new t(c,this),e?[i.compileToFragments(n,e),[this.makeCode(c.value)]]:[i,c]):(c=e?this.compileToFragments(n,e):this,[c,c])},n.prototype.cacheToCodeFragments=function(n){return[ie(n[0]),ie(n[1])]},n.prototype.makeReturn=function(n){var e;return e=this.unwrapAll(),n?new o(new x(n+".push"),[e]):new E(e)},n.prototype.contains=function(n){var e;return e=void 0,this.traverseChildren(!1,function(a){return n(a)?(e=a,!1):void 0}),e},n.prototype.lastNonComment=function(n){var e;for(e=n.length;e--;)if(!(n[e]instanceof K))return n[e];return null},n.prototype.toString=function(n,e){var a;return null==n& & (n=""),null==e& & (e=this.constructor.name),a="\n"+n+e,this.soak& & (a+="?"),this.eachChild(function(e){return a+=e.toString(n+M)}),a},n.prototype.eachChild=function(n){var e,a,r,t,c,i,o,X;if(!this.children)return this;for(o=this.children,r=0,c=o.length;c>r;r++)if(e=o[r],this[e])for(X=ce([this[e]]),t=0,i=X.length;i>t;t++)if(a=X[t],n(a)===!1)return this;return this},n.prototype.traverseChildren=function(n,e){return this.eachChild(function(a){var r;return r=e(a),r!==!1?a.traverseChildren(n,e):void 0})},n.prototype.invert=function(){return new Y("!",this)},n.prototype.unwrapAll=function(){var n;for(n=this;n!==(n=n.unwrap()););return n},n.prototype.children=[],n.prototype.isStatement=T,n.prototype.jumps=T,n.prototype.isComplex=Q,n.prototype.isChainable=T,n.prototype.isAssignable=T,n.prototype.unwrap=G,n.prototype.unfoldSoak=T,n.prototype.assigns=T,n.prototype.updateLocationDataIfMissing=function(n){return this.locationData?this:(this.locationData=n,this.eachChild(function(e){return e.updateLocationDataIfMissing(n)}))},n.prototype.error=function(n){return fe(n,this.locationData)},n.prototype.makeCode=function(n){return new u(this,n)},n.prototype.wrapInBraces=function(n){return[].concat(this.makeCode("("),n,this.makeCode(")"))},n.prototype.joinFragmentArrays=function(n,e){var a,r,t,c,i;for(a=[],t=c=0,i=n.length;i>c;t=++c)r=n[t],t&&a.push(this.makeCode(e)),a=a.concat(r); return a},n}(),a.Block=i=function(n){function e(n){this.expressions=ee(ce(n||[]))}return pe(e,n),e.prototype.children=["expressions"],e.prototype.push=function(n){return this.expressions.push(n),this},e.prototype.pop=function(){return this.expressions.pop()},e.prototype.unshift=function(n){return this.expressions.unshift(n),this},e.prototype.unwrap=function(){return 1===this.expressions.length?this.expressions[0]:this},e.prototype.isEmpty=function(){return!this.expressions.length},e.prototype.isStatement=function(n){var e,a,r,t;for(t=this.expressions,a=0,r=t.length;r>a;a++)if(e=t[a],e.isStatement(n))return!0;return!1},e.prototype.jumps=function(n){var e,a,r,t,c;for(c=this.expressions,a=0,t=c.length;t>a;a
return t}.call(this))),new $(new x("arguments")));break}for(S=this.params,N=0,f=S.length;f>N;N++)y=S[N],y.isComplex()?(I=T=y.asReference(n),y.value& & (I=new Y("?",T,y.value)),s.push(new t(new $(y.name),I,"=",{param:!0}))):(T=y,y.value& & (C=new x(T.name.value+" == null"),I=new t(new $(y.name),y.value,"="),s.push(new v(C,I)))),D||O.push(T);for(V=this.body.isEmpty(),D&&s.unshift(D),s.length&&(E=this.body.expressions).unshift.apply(E,s),u=b=0,A=O.length; A>b;u=++b)B=O[u],O[u]=B.compileToFragments(n),n.scope.parameter(ie(O[u]));for(F=[],this.eachParamName(function(n,e){return We.call(F,n)>=0& & e.error("multiple parameters named "+n),F.push(n)}),V||this.noReturn||this.body.makeReturn(),X="function",this.isGenerator& & (X+="*"),this.ctor& & (X+=" "+this.name),X+="(",a=[this.makeCode(X)],u=k=0,p=O.length;p>k;u=++k)B=O[u],u& & a.push(this.makeCode(", ")),a.push.apply(a,B);return a.push(this.makeCode(") {")),this.body.isEmpty()||(a=a.concat(this.makeCode("\n"),this.body.compileWithDeclarations(n),this.makeCode("\n"+this.tab))),a.push(this.makeCode("}")),this.ctor?[this.makeCode(this.tab)].concat(Ne.call(a)):this.front||n.level>=W?this.wrapInBraces(a):a},e.prototype.eachParamName=function(n){var e,a,r,t,c;for(t=this.params,c=[],e=0,a=t.length;a>e;e++)r=t[e],c.push(r.eachName(n));return c},e.prototype.traverseChildren=function(n,a){return n?e.__super__.traverseChildren.call(this,n,a):void 0},e}(c),a.Param=_=function(n){function e(n,e,a){var r,t;this.name=n,this.value=e,this.splat=a,t=r=this.name.unwrapAll().value,We.call(F,t)>=0& & this.name.error('parameter name "'+r+'" is not allowed')}return pe(e,n),e.prototype.children=["name","value"],e.prototype.compileToFragments=function(n){return this.name.compileToFragments(n,B)},e.prototype.asReference=function(n){var e,a;return this.reference?this.reference:(a=this.name,a["this"]?(e=a.properties[0].name.value,e.reserved& & (e="_"+e),a=new x(n.scope.freeVariable(e))):a.isComplex()& & (a=new x(n.scope.freeVariable("arg"))),a=new $(a),this.splat& & (a=new q(a)),a.updateLocationDataIfMissing(this.locationData),this.reference=a)},e.prototype.isComplex=function(){return this.name.isComplex()},e.prototype.eachName=function(n,e){var a,r,c,i,o,X;if(null==e& & (e=this.name),a=function(e){return n("@"+e.properties[0].name.value,e)},e instanceof x)return n(e.value,e);if(e instanceof $)return a(e);for(X=e.objects,r=0,c=X.length;c>r;r++)o=X[r],o instanceof t?this.eachName(n,o.value.unwrap()):o instanceof q?(i=o.name.unwrap(),n(i.value,i)):o instanceof $?o.isArray()||o.isObject()?this.eachName(n,o.base):o["this"]?a(o):n(o.base.value,o.base):o instanceof l||o.error("illegal parameter "+o.compile())},e}(c),a.Splat=q=function(n){function e(n){this.name=n.compile?n:new x(n)}return pe(e,n),e.prototype.children=["name"],e.prototype.isAssignable=Q,e.prototype.assigns=function(n){return this.name.assigns(n)},e.prototype.compileToFragments=function(n){return this.name.compileToFragments(n)},e.prototype.unwrap=function(){return this.name},e.compileSplattedArray=function(n,a,r){var t,c,i,o,X,s,u,K,P,l,m;for(u=-1;(m=a[++u])& & !(m instanceof e););if(u>=a.length)return[];if(1===a.length)return m=a[0],X=m.compileToFragments(n,B),r?X:[].concat(m.makeCode(ve("slice",n)+".call("),X,m.makeCode(")"));for(t=a.slice(u),s=K=0,l=t.length;l>K;s=++K)m=t[s],i=m.compileToFragments(n,B),t[s]=m instanceof e?[].concat(m.makeCode(ve("slice",n)+".call("),i,m.makeCode(")")):[].concat(m.makeCode("["),i,m.makeCode("]"));return 0===u?(m=a[0],o=m.joinFragmentArrays(t.slice(1),", "),t[0].concat(m.makeCode(".concat("),o,m.makeCode(")"))):(c=function(){var e,r,t,c;for(t=a.slice(0,u),c=[],e=0,r=t.length;r>e;e++)m=t[e],c.push(m.compileToFragments(n,B));return c}(),c=a[0].joinFragmentArrays(c,", "),o=a[u].joinFragmentArrays(t,", "),P=a[a.length-1],[].concat(a[0].makeCode("["),c,a[u].makeCode("].concat("),o,P.makeCode(")")))},e}(c),a.Expansion=l=function(n){function e(){return e.__super__.constructor.apply(this,arguments)}return pe(e,n),e.prototype.isComplex=T,e.prototype.compileNode=function(){return this.error("Expansion must be used inside a destructuring assignm
break;case 49:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Return(c[o]));break;case 50:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Return);break;case 51:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Comment(c[o]));break;case 52:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-4],i[o])(new r.Code(c[o-3],c[o],c[o-1]));break;case 53:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Code([],c[o],c[o-1]));break;case 54:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])("func");break;case 55:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])("boundfunc");break;case 58:case 95:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])([]);break;case 59:case 96:case 128:case 170:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])([c[o]]);break;case 60:case 97:case 129:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-2],i[o])(c[o-2].concat(c[o]));break;case 61:case 98:case 130:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-3],i[o])(c[o-3].concat(c[o]));break;case 62:case 99:case 132:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-5],i[o])(c[o-5].concat(c[o-2]));break;case 63:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Param(c[o]));break;case 64:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Param(c[o-1],null,!0));break;case 65:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-2],i[o])(new r.Param(c[o-2],c[o]));break;case 66:case 135:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Expansion);break;case 71:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Splat(c[o-1]));break;case 73:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(c[o-1].add(c[o]));break;case 74:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Value(c[o-1],[].concat(c[o])));break;case 84:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Access(c[o]));break;case 85:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Access(c[o],"soak"));break;case 86:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])([r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1])(new r.Access(new r.Literal("prototype"))),r.addLocationDataFn(i[o])(new r.Access(c[o]))]);break;case 87:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])([r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1])(new r.Access(new r.Literal("prototype"),"soak")),r.addLocationDataFn(i[o])(new r.Access(c[o]))]);break;case 88:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Access(new r.Literal("prototype")));break;case 91:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(r.extend(c[o],{soak:!0}));break;case 92:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Index(c[o]));break;case 93:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Slice(c[o]));break;case 94:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-3],i[o])(new r.Obj(c[o-2],c[o-3].generated));break;case 100:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Class);break;case 101:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Class(null,null,c[o]));break;case 102:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-2],i[o])(new r.Class(null,c[o]));break;case 103:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-3],i[o])(new r.Class(null,c[o-1],c[o]));break;case 104:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Class(c[o]));break;case 105:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-2],i[o])(new r.Class(c[o-1],null,c[o]));break;case 106:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-3],i[o])(new r.Class(c[o-2],c[o]));break;case 107:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-4],i[o])(new r.Class(c[o-3],c[o-1],c[o]));break;case 108:case 109:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-2],i[o])(new r.Call(c[o-2],c[o],c[o-1]));break;case 110:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Call("super",[new r.Splat(new r.Literal("arguments"))]));break;case 111:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Call("super",c[o]));break;case 112:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(!1);break;case 113:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(!0);break;case 114:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])([]);break;case 115:case 131:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-3],i[o])(c[o-2]);break;case 116:case 117:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])(new r.Value(new r.Literal("this")));break;case 118:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Value(r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1])(new r.Literal("this")),[r.addLocationDataFn(i[o])(new r.Access(c[o]))],"this"));break;case 119:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-1],i[o])(new r.Arr([]));break;case 120:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o-3],i[o])(new r.Arr(c[o-2]));break;case 121:this.$=r.addLocationDataFn(i[o],i[o])("inclusive");break;case 122:this.$=r.addLocat
this.trace(n)},parse:function(n){function e(){var n;return n=m.lex()||P,"number"!=typeof n& & (n=a.symbols_[n]||n),n}var a=this,r=[0],t=[null],c=[],i=this.table,o="",X=0,s=0,u=0,K=2,P=1,l=c.slice.call(arguments,1),m=Object.create(this.lexer),d={yy:{}};for(var h in this.yy)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.yy,h)&&(d.yy[h]=this.yy[h]); m.setInput(n,d.yy),d.yy.lexer=m,d.yy.parser=this,"undefined"==typeof m.yylloc&&(m.yylloc={}); var g=m.yylloc;c.push(g);var f=m.options&&m.options.ranges; this.parseError="function"==typeof d.yy.parseError?d.yy.parseError:Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;for(var A,v,p,C,W,N,B,y,O,b={};;){if(p=r[r.length-1],this.defaultActions[p]?C=this.defaultActions[p]:((null===A||"undefined"==typeof A)& & (A=e()),C=i[p]& & i[p][A]),"undefined"==typeof C||!C.length||!C[0]){var x="";O=[];for(N in i[p])this.terminals_[N]&&N>K&&O.push("'"+this.terminals_[N]+"'"); x=m.showPosition?"Parse error on line "+(X+1)+":\n"+m.showPosition()+"\nExpecting "+O.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[A]||A)+"'":"Parse error on line "+(X+1)+": Unexpected "+(A==P?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[A]||A)+"'"),this.parseError(x,{text:m.match,token:this.terminals_[A]||A,line:m.yylineno,loc:g,expected:O})}if(C[0]instanceof Array& & C.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+p+", token: "+A);switch(C[0]){case 1:r.push(A),t.push(m.yytext),c.push(m.yylloc),r.push(C[1]),A=null,v?(A=v,v=null):(s=m.yyleng,o=m.yytext,X=m.yylineno,g=m.yylloc,u>0&&u--); break;case 2:if(B=this.productions_[C[1]][1],b.$=t[t.length-B],b._$={first_line:c[c.length-(B||1)].first_line,last_line:c[c.length-1].last_line,first_column:c[c.length-(B||1)].first_column,last_column:c[c.length-1].last_column},f& & (b._$.range=[c[c.length-(B||1)].range[0],c[c.length-1].range[1]]),W=this.performAction.apply(b,[o,s,X,d.yy,C[1],t,c].concat(l)),"undefined"!=typeof W)return W;B&&(r=r.slice(0,-1*B*2),t=t.slice(0,-1*B),c=c.slice(0,-1*B)),r.push(this.productions_[C[1]][0]),t.push(b.$),c.push(b._$),y=i[r[r.length-2]][r[r.length-1]],r.push(y); break;case 3:return!0}}return!0}};return n.prototype=da,da.Parser=n,new n}();"undefined"!=typeof n& & "undefined"!=typeof a& & (a.parser=t,a.Parser=t.Parser,a.parse=function(){return t.parse.apply(t,arguments)},a.main=function(e){e[1]||(console.log("Usage: "+e[0]+" FILE"),r.exit(1));var t=n("fs").readFileSync(n("path").normalize(e[1]),"utf8");return a.parser.parse(t)},"undefined"!=typeof e& & n.main===e& & a.main(r.argv.slice(1)))}).call(this,n("_process"))},{_process:82,fs:58,path:81}],10:[function(n){(function(){var e,a,r,t,c,i,o,X,s,u,K,P,l;if(e=n("./coffee-script"),t=n("child_process"),X=n("./helpers"),P=n("path"),K=function(n,a){var r;return r=e._compileFile(a,!1),n._compile(r,a)},n.extensions){for(l=e.FILE_EXTENSIONS,s=0,u=l.length;u>s;s++)c=l[s],n.extensions[c]=K;a=n("module"),i=function(n){var e,r;for(r=P.basename(n).split("."),""===r[0]&&r.shift(); r.shift();)if(e="."+r.join("."),a._extensions[e])return e;return".js"},a.prototype.load=function(n){var e;return this.filename=n,this.paths=a._nodeModulePaths(P.dirname(n)),e=i(n),a._extensions[e](this,n),this.loaded=!0}}t& & (o=t.fork,r=n.resolve("../../bin/coffee"),t.fork=function(n,e,a){return X.isCoffee(n)& & (Array.isArray(e)||(a=e||{},e=[]),e=[n].concat(e),n=r),o(n,e,a)})}).call(this)},{"./coffee-script":5,"./helpers":6,child_process:58,module:58,path:81}],11:[function(n,e,a){(function(){var n,e,r,t,c,i,o,X,s,u,K,P,l,m,d,h,g,f,A,v=[].indexOf||function(n){for(var e=0,a=this.length;a>e;e++)if(e in this& & this[e]===n)return e;return-1},p=[].slice;for(m=function(n,e,a){var r;return r=[n,e],r.generated=!0,a& & (r.origin=a),r},a.Rewriter=function(){function n(){}return n.prototype.rewrite=function(n){return this.tokens=n,this.removeLeadingNewlines(),this.closeOpenCalls(),this.closeOpenIndexes(),this.normalizeLines(),this.tagPostfixConditionals(),this.addImplicitBracesAndParens(),this.addLocationDataToGeneratedTokens(),this.tokens},n.prototype.scanTokens=function(n){var e,a,r;for(r=this.tokens,e=0;a=r[e];)e+=n.call(this,a,e,r);return!0},n.prototype.detectEnd=function(n,e,a
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Ash Berlin
// Copyright (c) 2011 Christoph Dorn < christoph @ christophdorn . com > (http://www.christophdorn.com)
!function(e){function r(){return"Markdown.mk_block( "+uneval(this.toString())+", "+uneval(this.trailing)+", "+uneval(this.lineNumber)+" )"}function t(){var e=n("util");return"Markdown.mk_block( "+e.inspect(this.toString())+", "+e.inspect(this.trailing)+", "+e.inspect(this.lineNumber)+" )"}function c(n){for(var e=0,a=-1;-1!==(a=n.indexOf("\n",a+1));)e++;return e}function i(n,e){function a(n){this.len_after=n,this.name="close_"+e}var r=n+"_state",t="strong"==n?"em_state":"strong_state";return function(c){if(this[r][0]==e)return this[r].shift(),[c.length,new a(c.length-e.length)];var i=this[t].slice(),o=this[r].slice();this[r].unshift(e);{var X=this.processInline(c.substr(e.length)),s=X[X.length-1];this[r].shift()}if(s instanceof a){X.pop();var u=c.length-s.len_after;return[u,[n].concat(X)]}return this[t]=i,this[r]=o,[e.length,e]}}function o(n){for(var e=n.split(""),a=[""],r=!1;e.length;){var t=e.shift();switch(t){case" ":r?a[a.length-1]+=t:a.push("");break;case"'":case'"':r=!r;break;case"\\":t=e.shift();default:a[a.length-1]+=t}}return a}function X(n){return h(n)& & n.length>1& & "object"==typeof n[1]& & !h(n[1])?n[1]:void 0}function s(n){return n.replace(/&/g,"& ").replace(/< /g,"< ").replace(/>/g,"> ").replace(/"/g,"" ").replace(/'/g,"' ")}function u(n){if("string"==typeof n)return s(n);var e=n.shift(),a={},r=[];for(!n.length||"object"!=typeof n[0]||n[0]instanceof Array||(a=n.shift());n.length;)r.push(u(n.shift()));var t="";for(var c in a)t+=" "+c+'="'+s(a[c])+'"';return"img"==e||"br"==e||"hr"==e?"< "+e+t+"/>":"< "+e+t+">"+r.join("")+"< /"+e+">"}function K(n,e,a){var r;a=a||{};var t=n.slice(0);"function"==typeof a.preprocessTreeNode&&(t=a.preprocessTreeNode(t,e)); var c=X(t);if(c){t[1]={};for(r in c)t[1][r]=c[r];c=t[1]}if("string"==typeof t)return t;switch(t[0]){case"header":t[0]="h"+t[1].level,delete t[1].level;break;case"bulletlist":t[0]="ul";break;case"numberlist":t[0]="ol";break;case"listitem":t[0]="li";break;case"para":t[0]="p";break;case"markdown":t[0]="html",c& & delete c.references;break;case"code_block":t[0]="pre",r=c?2:1;var i=["code"];i.push.apply(i,t.splice(r,t.length-r)),t[r]=i;break;case"inlinecode":t[0]="code";break;case"img":t[1].src=t[1].href,delete t[1].href;break;case"linebreak":t[0]="br";break;case"link":t[0]="a";break;case"link_ref":t[0]="a";var o=e[c.ref];if(!o)return c.original;delete c.ref,c.href=o.href,o.title& & (c.title=o.title),delete c.original;break;case"img_ref":t[0]="img";var o=e[c.ref];if(!o)return c.original;delete c.ref,c.src=o.href,o.title& & (c.title=o.title),delete c.original}if(r=1,c){for(var s in t[1]){r=2;break}1===r&&t.splice(r,1)}for(; r< t.length ; + + r ) t [ r ] = K ( t [ r ] , e , a ) ; return t } function P ( n ) { for ( var e = X(n)?2:1;e<n.length;)"string"==typeof n [ e ] ? e + 1 < n . length & & " string " = = typeof n [ e + 1 ] ? n [ e ] + = n . splice ( e + 1 , 1 ) [ 0 ] : + + e: ( P ( n [ e ] ) , + + e ) } var l = e.Markdown=function(n){switch(typeof n ) { case " undefined " :this . dialect = l.dialects.Gruber;break;case"object":this.dialect=n;break;default:if(!(n in l . dialects ) ) throw new Error ( " Unknown Markdown dialect ' " + String ( n ) + " ' " ) ; this . dialect = l.dialects[n]}this.em_state=[],this.strong_state=[],this.debug_indent=""};e.parse=function(n,e){var a = new l ( e ) ; return a . toTree ( n ) } , e . toHTML = function(n,a,r){var t = e.toHTMLTree(n,a,r);return e . renderJsonML ( t ) } , e . toHTMLTree = function(n,e,a){"string"==typeof n & & ( n = this.parse(n,e));var r = X(n),t={};r&&r.references&&(t=r.references);var c = K(n,t,a);return P ( c ) , c } ; var m = l.mk_block=function(n,e,a){1==arguments.length&&(e="\n\n");var c = new String ( n ) ; return c . trailing = e,c.inspect=t,c.toSource=r,void 0 ! = a & & ( c . lineNumber = a),c};l.prototype.split_blocks=function(n){n=n.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g,"\n");var e , a = /([\s\S]+?)($|\n#|\n(?:\s*\n|$)+)/g,r=[],t=1;for(null!=(e=/^(\s*\n)/.exec(n))&&(t+=c(e[0]),a.lastIndex=e[0].length);null!==(e=a.exec(n));)"\n#"==e[2]&&(e[2]="\n",a.lastIndex--),r.push(m(e[1],e[2],t)),t+=c(e[0]);return r } , l . prototype . processBlock = function(n,e){var a = this.dialect.block,r=a.__order__;if("__call__"in a ) return a . __call__ . call ( this , n , e ) ; for ( var t = 0;t<r.length;t++){var c = a[r[t]].call(this,n,e);if(c)return(!h(c)||c.length > 0& & !h(c[0]))& & thi
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(function(){var r,t,c;t=n("fs"),c=n("zlib"),e.exports=r=function(){function n(n){var e,r,t,c,i,o,X,s,u,K,P;for(this.data=n,this.pos=8,this.palette=[],this.imgData=[],this.transparency={},this.text={};;){switch(e=this.readUInt32(),o=function(){var n,e;for(e=[],t=n=0;4>n;t=++n)e.push(String.fromCharCode(this.data[this.pos++]));return e}.call(this).join("")){case"IHDR":this.width=this.readUInt32(),this.height=this.readUInt32(),this.bits=this.data[this.pos++],this.colorType=this.data[this.pos++],this.compressionMethod=this.data[this.pos++],this.filterMethod=this.data[this.pos++],this.interlaceMethod=this.data[this.pos++];break;case"PLTE":this.palette=this.read(e);break;case"IDAT":for(t=u=0;e>u;t=u+=1)this.imgData.push(this.data[this.pos++]);break;case"tRNS":switch(this.transparency={},this.colorType){case 3:if(this.transparency.indexed=this.read(e),X=255-this.transparency.indexed.length,X>0)for(t=K=0;X>=0?X>K:K>X;t=X>=0?++K:--K)this.transparency.indexed.push(255);break;case 0:this.transparency.grayscale=this.read(e)[0];break;case 2:this.transparency.rgb=this.read(e)}break;case"tEXt":s=this.read(e),c=s.indexOf(0),i=String.fromCharCode.apply(String,s.slice(0,c)),this.text[i]=String.fromCharCode.apply(String,s.slice(c+1));break;case"IEND":return this.colors=function(){switch(this.colorType){case 0:case 3:case 4:return 1;case 2:case 6:return 3}}.call(this),this.hasAlphaChannel=4===(P=this.colorType)||6===P,r=this.colors+(this.hasAlphaChannel?1:0),this.pixelBitlength=this.bits*r,this.colorSpace=function(){switch(this.colors){case 1:return"DeviceGray";case 3:return"DeviceRGB"}}.call(this),void(this.imgData=new a(this.imgData));default:this.pos+=e}if(this.pos+=4,this.pos>this.data.length)throw new Error("Incomplete or corrupt PNG file")}}return n.decode=function(e,a){return t.readFile(e,function(e,r){var t;return t=new n(r),t.decode(function(n){return a(n)})})},n.load=function(e){var a;return a=t.readFileSync(e),new n(a)},n.prototype.read=function(n){var e,a,r;for(r=[],e=a=0;n>=0?n>a:a>n;e=n>=0?++a:--a)r.push(this.data[this.pos++]);return r},n.prototype.readUInt32=function(){var n,e,a,r;return n=this.data[this.pos++]< < 24 , e = this.data[this.pos++]<<16,a=this.data[this.pos++]<<8,r=this.data[this.pos++],n|e|a|r},n.prototype.readUInt16=function(){var n , e ; return n = this.data[this.pos++]<<8,e=this.data[this.pos++],n|e},n.prototype.decodePixels=function(n){var e = this;return c . inflate ( this . imgData , function ( r , t ) { var c , i , o , X , s , u , K , P , l , m , d , h , g , f , A , v , p , C , W , N , B , y , O ; if ( r ) throw r ; for ( h = e.pixelBitlength/8,v=h*e.width,g=new a ( v * e . height ) , u = t.length,A=0,f=0,i=0;u > f;){switch(t[f++]){case 0:for(X=W=0;v>W;X=W+=1)g[i++]=t[f++];break;case 1:for(X=N=0;v>N;X=N+=1)c=t[f++],s=h>X?0:g[i-h],g[i++]=(c+s)%256;break;case 2:for(X=B=0;v>B;X=B+=1)c=t[f++],o=(X-X%h)/h,p=A&&g[(A-1)*v+o*h+X%h],g[i++]=(p+c)%256; break;case 3:for(X=y=0;v>y;X=y+=1)c=t[f++],o=(X-X%h)/h,s=h>X?0:g[i-h],p=A&&g[(A-1)*v+o*h+X%h],g[i++]=(c+Math.floor((s+p)/2))%256; break;case 4:for(X=O=0;v>O;X=O+=1)c=t[f++],o=(X-X%h)/h,s=h>X?0:g[i-h],0===A?p=C=0:(p=g[(A-1)*v+o*h+X%h],C=o&&g[(A-1)*v+(o-1)*h+X%h]),K=s+p-C,P=Math.abs(K-s),m=Math.abs(K-p),d=Math.abs(K-C),l=m>=P&&d>=P?s:d>=m?p:C,g[i++]=(c+l)%256; break;default:throw new Error("Invalid filter algorithm: "+t[f-1])}A++}return n(g)})},n.prototype.decodePalette=function(){var n,e,r,t,c,i,o,X,s,u;for(t=this.palette,o=this.transparency.indexed||[],i=new a(o.length+t.length),c=0,r=t.length,n=0,e=X=0,s=t.length;s>X;e=X+=3)i[c++]=t[e],i[c++]=t[e+1],i[c++]=t[e+2],i[c++]=null!=(u=o[n++])?u:255;return i},n.prototype.copyToImageData=function(n,e){var a,r,t,c,i,o,X,s,u,K,P;if(r=this.colors,u=null,a=this.hasAlphaChannel,this.palette.length& & (u=null!=(P=this._decodedPalette)?P:this._decodedPalette=this.decodePalette(),r=4,a=!0),t=(null!=n?n.data:void 0)||n,s=t.length,i=u||e,c=o=0,1===r)for(;s>c;)X=u?4*e[c/4]:o,K=i[X++],t[c++]=K,t[c++]=K,t[c++]=K,t[c++]=a?i[X++]:255,o=X;else for(;s>c;)X=u?4*e[c/4]:o,t[c++]=i[X++],t[c++]=i[X++],t[c++]=i[X++],t[c++]=a?i[X++]:255,o=X},n.prototype.decode=function(n){var e,r=this;return e=new a(this.width*this.height*4),this.decodePixels(functi
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
var P=n("util/"),l=Array.prototype.slice,m=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,d=e.exports=i;d.AssertionError=function(n){this.name="AssertionError",this.actual=n.actual,this.expected=n.expected,this.operator=n.operator,n.message?(this.message=n.message,this.generatedMessage=!1):(this.message=t(this),this.generatedMessage=!0);var e=n.stackStartFunction||c;if(Error.captureStackTrace)Error.captureStackTrace(this,e);else{var a=new Error;if(a.stack){var r=a.stack,i=e.name,o=r.indexOf("\n"+i);if(o>=0){var X=r.indexOf("\n",o+1);r=r.substring(X+1)}this.stack=r}}},P.inherits(d.AssertionError,Error),d.fail=c,d.ok=i,d.equal=function(n,e,a){n!=e& & c(n,e,a,"==",d.equal)},d.notEqual=function(n,e,a){n==e& & c(n,e,a,"!=",d.notEqual)},d.deepEqual=function(n,e,a){o(n,e)||c(n,e,a,"deepEqual",d.deepEqual)},d.notDeepEqual=function(n,e,a){o(n,e)& & c(n,e,a,"notDeepEqual",d.notDeepEqual)},d.strictEqual=function(n,e,a){n!==e& & c(n,e,a,"===",d.strictEqual)},d.notStrictEqual=function(n,e,a){n===e& & c(n,e,a,"!==",d.notStrictEqual)},d["throws"]=function(){K.apply(this,[!0].concat(l.call(arguments)))},d.doesNotThrow=function(){K.apply(this,[!1].concat(l.call(arguments)))},d.ifError=function(n){if(n)throw n};var h=Object.keys||function(n){var e=[];for(var a in n)m.call(n,a)&&e.push(a); return e}},{"util/":97}],60:[function(n,e,a){arguments[4][58][0].apply(a,arguments)},{dup:58}],61:[function(n,e,a){"use strict";var r="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array& & "undefined"!=typeof Uint16Array& & "undefined"!=typeof Int32Array;a.assign=function(n){for(var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);e.length;){var a=e.shift();if(a){if("object"!=typeof a)throw new TypeError(a+"must be non-object");for(var r in a)a.hasOwnProperty(r)& & (n[r]=a[r])}}return n},a.shrinkBuf=function(n,e){return n.length===e?n:n.subarray?n.subarray(0,e):(n.length=e,n)};var t={arraySet:function(n,e,a,r,t){if(e.subarray& & n.subarray)return void n.set(e.subarray(a,a+r),t);for(var c=0;r>c;c++)n[t+c]=e[a+c]},flattenChunks:function(n){var e,a,r,t,c,i;for(r=0,e=0,a=n.length;a>e;e++)r+=n[e].length;for(i=new Uint8Array(r),t=0,e=0,a=n.length;a>e;e++)c=n[e],i.set(c,t),t+=c.length;return i}},c={arraySet:function(n,e,a,r,t){for(var c=0;r>c;c++)n[t+c]=e[a+c]},flattenChunks:function(n){return[].concat.apply([],n)}};a.setTyped=function(n){n?(a.Buf8=Uint8Array,a.Buf16=Uint16Array,a.Buf32=Int32Array,a.assign(a,t)):(a.Buf8=Array,a.Buf16=Array,a.Buf32=Array,a.assign(a,c))},a.setTyped(r)},{}],62:[function(n,e){"use strict";function a(n,e,a,r){for(var t=65535&n|0,c=n>>>16&65535|0,i=0; 0!==a;){i=a>2e3?2e3:a,a-=i;do t=t+e[r++]|0,c=c+t|0;while(--i);t%=65521,c%=65521}return t|c< < 16 | 0 } e . exports = a},{}],63:[function(n,e){e.exports={Z_NO_FLUSH:0,Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH:1,Z_SYNC_FLUSH:2,Z_FULL_FLUSH:3,Z_FINISH:4,Z_BLOCK:5,Z_TREES:6,Z_OK:0,Z_STREAM_END:1,Z_NEED_DICT:2,Z_ERRNO:-1,Z_STREAM_ERROR:-2,Z_DATA_ERROR:-3,Z_BUF_ERROR:-5,Z_NO_COMPRESSION:0,Z_BEST_SPEED:1,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION:9,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:-1,Z_FILTERED:1,Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY:2,Z_RLE:3,Z_FIXED:4,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:0,Z_BINARY:0,Z_TEXT:1,Z_UNKNOWN:2,Z_DEFLATED:8}},{}],64:[function(n,e){"use strict " ; function a ( ) { for ( var n , e = [],a=0;256 > a;a++){n=a;for(var r=0;8>r;r++)n=1&n?3988292384^n>>>1:n>>>1; e[a]=n}return e}function r(n,e,a,r){var c=t,i=r+a;n=-1^n;for(var o=r;i>o;o++)n=n>>>8^c[255&(n^e[o])]; return-1^n}var t=a();e.exports=r},{}],65:[function(n,e,a){"use strict";function r(n,e){return n.msg=U[e],e}function t(n){return(n< < 1 ) - ( n > 4?9:0)}function c(n){for(var e=n.length;--e>=0;)n[e]=0}function i(n){var e=n.state,a=e.pending;a>n.avail_out& & (a=n.avail_out),0!==a& & (b.arraySet(n.output,e.pending_buf,e.pending_out,a,n.next_out),n.next_out+=a,e.pending_out+=a,n.total_out+=a,n.avail_out-=a,e.pending-=a,0===e.pending& & (e.pending_out=0))}function o(n,e){x._tr_flush_block(n,n.block_start>=0?n.block_start:-1,n.strstart-n.block_start,e),n.block_start=n.strstart,i(n.strm)}function X(n,e){n.pending_buf[n.pending++]=e}function s(n,e){n.pending_buf[n.pending++]=e>>>8& 255,n.pending_buf[n.pending++]=255& e}function u(n,e,a,r){var t=n.avail_in;return t>r& & (t=r),0===t?0:(n.avail_in-=t,b.arraySet(e,n.input,n.next_in,
}function s(n){16===n.bi_valid?(c(n,n.bi_buf),n.bi_buf=0,n.bi_valid=0):n.bi_valid>=8& & (n.pending_buf[n.pending++]=255& n.bi_buf,n.bi_buf>>=8,n.bi_valid-=8)}function u(n,e){var a,r,t,c,i,o,X=e.dyn_tree,s=e.max_code,u=e.stat_desc.static_tree,K=e.stat_desc.has_stree,P=e.stat_desc.extra_bits,l=e.stat_desc.extra_base,m=e.stat_desc.max_length,d=0;for(c=0;M>=c;c++)n.bl_count[c]=0;for(X[2*n.heap[n.heap_max]+1]=0,a=n.heap_max+1;z>a;a++)r=n.heap[a],c=X[2*X[2*r+1]+1]+1,c>m&&(c=m,d++),X[2*r+1]=c,r>s||(n.bl_count[c]++,i=0,r>=l&&(i=P[r-l]),o=X[2*r],n.opt_len+=o*(c+i),K&&(n.static_len+=o*(u[2*r+1]+i))); if(0!==d){do{for(c=m-1;0===n.bl_count[c];)c--;n.bl_count[c]--,n.bl_count[c+1]+=2,n.bl_count[m]--,d-=2}while(d>0);for(c=m;0!==c;c--)for(r=n.bl_count[c];0!==r;)t=n.heap[--a],t>s||(X[2*t+1]!==c& & (n.opt_len+=(c-X[2*t+1])*X[2*t],X[2*t+1]=c),r--)}}function K(n,e,a){var r,t,c=new Array(M+1),i=0;for(r=1;M>=r;r++)c[r]=i=i+a[r-1]< < 1 ; for ( t = 0;e > =t;t++){var o=n[2*t+1];0!==o& & (n[2*t]=X(c[o]++,o))}}function P(){var n,e,a,r,t,c=new Array(M+1);for(a=0,r=0;D-1>r;r++)for(Xe[r]=a,n=0;n< 1 < < Q [ r ] ; n + + ) oe [ a + + ] = r ; for ( oe [ a-1 ] = r , t = 0,r=0;16 > r;r++)for(se[r]=t,n=0;n< 1 < < ne [ r ] ; n + + ) ie [ t + + ] = r ; for ( t > >=7;V>r;r++)for(se[r]=t< < 7 , n = 0;n<1<<ne[r]-7;n++)ie[256+t++]=r;for(e=0;M > =e;e++)c[e]=0;for(n=0;143>=n;)te[2*n+1]=8,n++,c[8]++;for(;255>=n;)te[2*n+1]=9,n++,c[9]++;for(;279>=n;)te[2*n+1]=7,n++,c[7]++;for(;287>=n;)te[2*n+1]=8,n++,c[8]++;for(K(te,I+1,c),n=0;V>n;n++)ce[2*n+1]=5,ce[2*n]=X(n,5);ue=new le(te,Q,F+1,I,M),Ke=new le(ce,ne,0,V,M),Pe=new le(new Array(0),ee,0,q,j)}function l(n){var e;for(e=0;I>e;e++)n.dyn_ltree[2*e]=0;for(e=0;V>e;e++)n.dyn_dtree[2*e]=0;for(e=0;q>e;e++)n.bl_tree[2*e]=0;n.dyn_ltree[2*J]=1,n.opt_len=n.static_len=0,n.last_lit=n.matches=0}function m(n){n.bi_valid>8?c(n,n.bi_buf):n.bi_valid>0& & (n.pending_buf[n.pending++]=n.bi_buf),n.bi_buf=0,n.bi_valid=0}function d(n,e,a,r){m(n),r& & (c(n,a),c(n,~a)),k.arraySet(n.pending_buf,n.window,e,a,n.pending),n.pending+=a}function h(n,e,a,r){var t=2*e,c=2*a;return n[t]< n [ c ] | | n [ t ] = = = n [ c ] & & r [ e ] < = r [ a ] } function g ( n , e , a ) { for ( var r = n.heap[a],t=a<<1;t<=n.heap_len&&(t<n.heap_len&&h(e,n.heap[t+1],n.heap[t],n.depth)&&t++,!h(e,r,n.heap[t],n.depth));)n.heap[a]=n.heap[t],a=t,t<<=1;n.heap[a]=r}function f ( n , e , a ) { var r , c , X , s , u = 0;if(0!==n.last_lit)do r = n.pending_buf[n.d_buf+2*u]<<8|n.pending_buf[n.d_buf+2*u+1],c=n.pending_buf[n.l_buf+u],u++,0===r?o(n,c,e):(X=oe[c],o(n,X+F+1,e),s=Q[X],0!==s&&(c-=Xe[X],i(n,c,s)),r--,X=t(r),o(n,X,a),s=ne[X],0!==s&&(r-=se[X],i(n,r,s)));while(u<n.last_lit);o(n,J,e)}function A ( n , e ) { var a , r , t , c = e.dyn_tree,i=e.stat_desc.static_tree,o=e.stat_desc.has_stree,X=e.stat_desc.elems,s=-1;for(n.heap_len=0,n.heap_max=z,a=0;X > a;a++)0!==c[2*a]?(n.heap[++n.heap_len]=s=a,n.depth[a]=0):c[2*a+1]=0;for(;n.heap_len< 2 ; ) t = n.heap[++n.heap_len]=2 > s?++s:0,c[2*t]=1,n.depth[t]=0,n.opt_len--,o&&(n.static_len-=i[2*t+1]); for(e.max_code=s,a=n.heap_len>>1;a>=1;a--)g(n,c,a);t=X;do a=n.heap[1],n.heap[1]=n.heap[n.heap_len--],g(n,c,1),r=n.heap[1],n.heap[--n.heap_max]=a,n.heap[--n.heap_max]=r,c[2*t]=c[2*a]+c[2*r],n.depth[t]=(n.depth[a]>=n.depth[r]?n.depth[a]:n.depth[r])+1,c[2*a+1]=c[2*r+1]=t,n.heap[1]=t++,g(n,c,1);while(n.heap_len>=2);n.heap[--n.heap_max]=n.heap[1],u(n,e),K(c,s,n.bl_count)}function v(n,e,a){var r,t,c=-1,i=e[1],o=0,X=7,s=4;for(0===i&&(X=138,s=3),e[2*(a+1)+1]=65535,r=0; a>=r;r++)t=i,i=e[2*(r+1)+1],++o< X & & t = ==i||(s > o?n.bl_tree[2*t]+=o:0!==t?(t!==c& & n.bl_tree[2*t]++,n.bl_tree[2*H]++):10>=o?n.bl_tree[2*$]++:n.bl_tree[2*Z]++,o=0,c=t,0===i?(X=138,s=3):t===i?(X=6,s=3):(X=7,s=4))}function p(n,e,a){var r,t,c=-1,X=e[1],s=0,u=7,K=4;for(0===X&&(u=138,K=3),r=0; a>=r;r++)if(t=X,X=e[2*(r+1)+1],!(++s< u & & t = ==X)){if(K > s){do o(n,t,n.bl_tree);while(0!==--s)}else 0!==t?(t!==c&&(o(n,t,n.bl_tree),s--),o(n,H,n.bl_tree),i(n,s-3,2)):10>=s?(o(n,$,n.bl_tree),i(n,s-3,3)):(o(n,Z,n.bl_tree),i(n,s-11,7)); s=0,c=t,0===X?(u=138,K=3):t===X?(u=6,K=3):(u=7,K=4)}}function C(n){var e;for(v(n,n.dyn_ltree,n.l_desc.max_code),v(n,n.dyn_dtree,n.d_desc.max_code),A(n,n.bl_desc),e=q-1;e>=3&&0===n.bl_tree[2*ae[e]+1]; e--);return n.opt_len+=3*(e+1)+5+5+4,e}function W(n,e,a,r){var t;for(i(n,
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
var m=n("_stream_transform"),d=n("./binding"),h=n("util"),g=n("assert").ok;d.Z_MIN_WINDOWBITS=8,d.Z_MAX_WINDOWBITS=15,d.Z_DEFAULT_WINDOWBITS=15,d.Z_MIN_CHUNK=64,d.Z_MAX_CHUNK=1/0,d.Z_DEFAULT_CHUNK=16384,d.Z_MIN_MEMLEVEL=1,d.Z_MAX_MEMLEVEL=9,d.Z_DEFAULT_MEMLEVEL=8,d.Z_MIN_LEVEL=-1,d.Z_MAX_LEVEL=9,d.Z_DEFAULT_LEVEL=d.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,Object.keys(d).forEach(function(n){n.match(/^Z/)& & (a[n]=d[n])}),a.codes={Z_OK:d.Z_OK,Z_STREAM_END:d.Z_STREAM_END,Z_NEED_DICT:d.Z_NEED_DICT,Z_ERRNO:d.Z_ERRNO,Z_STREAM_ERROR:d.Z_STREAM_ERROR,Z_DATA_ERROR:d.Z_DATA_ERROR,Z_MEM_ERROR:d.Z_MEM_ERROR,Z_BUF_ERROR:d.Z_BUF_ERROR,Z_VERSION_ERROR:d.Z_VERSION_ERROR},Object.keys(a.codes).forEach(function(n){a.codes[a.codes[n]]=n}),a.Deflate=i,a.Inflate=o,a.Gzip=X,a.Gunzip=s,a.DeflateRaw=u,a.InflateRaw=K,a.Unzip=P,a.createDeflate=function(n){return new i(n)},a.createInflate=function(n){return new o(n)},a.createDeflateRaw=function(n){return new u(n)},a.createInflateRaw=function(n){return new K(n)},a.createGzip=function(n){return new X(n)},a.createGunzip=function(n){return new s(n)},a.createUnzip=function(n){return new P(n)},a.deflate=function(n,e,a){return"function"==typeof e& & (a=e,e={}),t(new i(e),n,a)},a.deflateSync=function(n,e){return c(new i(e),n)},a.gzip=function(n,e,a){return"function"==typeof e& & (a=e,e={}),t(new X(e),n,a)},a.gzipSync=function(n,e){return c(new X(e),n)},a.deflateRaw=function(n,e,a){return"function"==typeof e& & (a=e,e={}),t(new u(e),n,a)},a.deflateRawSync=function(n,e){return c(new u(e),n)},a.unzip=function(n,e,a){return"function"==typeof e& & (a=e,e={}),t(new P(e),n,a)},a.unzipSync=function(n,e){return c(new P(e),n)},a.inflate=function(n,e,a){return"function"==typeof e& & (a=e,e={}),t(new o(e),n,a)},a.inflateSync=function(n,e){return c(new o(e),n)},a.gunzip=function(n,e,a){return"function"==typeof e& & (a=e,e={}),t(new s(e),n,a)},a.gunzipSync=function(n,e){return c(new s(e),n)},a.inflateRaw=function(n,e,a){return"function"==typeof e& & (a=e,e={}),t(new K(e),n,a)},a.inflateRawSync=function(n,e){return c(new K(e),n)},h.inherits(l,m),l.prototype.params=function(n,r,t){if(n< a.Z_MIN_LEVEL | | n > a.Z_MAX_LEVEL)throw new RangeError("Invalid compression level: "+n);if(r!=a.Z_FILTERED& & r!=a.Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY& & r!=a.Z_RLE& & r!=a.Z_FIXED& & r!=a.Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY)throw new TypeError("Invalid strategy: "+r);if(this._level!==n||this._strategy!==r){var c=this;this.flush(d.Z_SYNC_FLUSH,function(){c._binding.params(n,r),c._hadError||(c._level=n,c._strategy=r,t& & t())})}else e.nextTick(t)},l.prototype.reset=function(){return this._binding.reset()},l.prototype._flush=function(n){this._transform(new r(0),"",n)},l.prototype.flush=function(n,a){var t=this._writableState;if(("function"==typeof n||void 0===n&&!a)&&(a=n,n=d.Z_FULL_FLUSH),t.ended)a&&e.nextTick(a); else if(t.ending)a&&this.once("end",a); else if(t.needDrain){var c=this;this.once("drain",function(){c.flush(a)})}else this._flushFlag=n,this.write(new r(0),"",a)},l.prototype.close=function(n){if(n&&e.nextTick(n),!this._closed){this._closed=!0,this._binding.close(); var a=this;e.nextTick(function(){a.emit("close")})}},l.prototype._transform=function(n,e,a){var t,c=this._writableState,i=c.ending||c.ended,o=i&&(!n||c.length===n.length); if(null===!n& & !r.isBuffer(n))return a(new Error("invalid input"));o?t=d.Z_FINISH:(t=this._flushFlag,n.length>=c.length&&(this._flushFlag=this._opts.flush||d.Z_NO_FLUSH)); this._processChunk(n,t,a)},l.prototype._processChunk=function(n,e,a){function t(u,l){if(!X._hadError){var m=i-l;if(g(m>=0,"have should not go down"),m>0){var d=X._buffer.slice(X._offset,X._offset+m);X._offset+=m,s?X.push(d):(K.push(d),P+=d.length)}if((0===l||X._offset>=X._chunkSize)& & (i=X._chunkSize,X._offset=0,X._buffer=new r(X._chunkSize)),0===l){if(o+=c-u,c=u,!s)return!0;var h=X._binding.write(e,n,o,c,X._buffer,X._offset,X._chunkSize);return h.callback=t,void(h.buffer=n)}return s?void a():!1}}var c=n& & n.length,i=this._chunkSize-this._offset,o=0,X=this,s="function"==typeof a;if(!s){var u,K=[],P=0;this.on("error",function(n){u=n});do var l=this._binding.writeSync(e,n,o,c,this._buffer,this._offset,i);while(!this._hadErro
* The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
* @author Feross Aboukhadijeh < feross @ feross . org > < http: / / feross . org >
* @license MIT
var Y=n("base64-js"),_=n("ieee754"),R=n("is-array");a.Buffer=r,a.SlowBuffer=t,a.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES=50,r.poolSize=8192;var L=1073741823,S={};r.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT=function(){try{var n=new ArrayBuffer(0),e=new Uint8Array(n);return e.foo=function(){return 42},42===e.foo()& & "function"==typeof e.subarray& & 0===new Uint8Array(1).subarray(1,1).byteLength}catch(a){return!1}}(),r.isBuffer=function(n){return!(null==n||!n._isBuffer)},r.compare=function(n,e){if(!r.isBuffer(n)||!r.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("Arguments must be Buffers");if(n===e)return 0;for(var a=n.length,t=e.length,c=0,i=Math.min(a,t);i>c&&n[c]===e[c]; c++);return c!==i&&(a=n[c],t=e[c]),t>a?-1:a>t?1:0},r.isEncoding=function(n){switch(String(n).toLowerCase()){case"hex":case"utf8":case"utf-8":case"ascii":case"binary":case"base64":case"raw":case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return!0; default:return!1}},r.concat=function(n,e){if(!R(n))throw new TypeError("list argument must be an Array of Buffers.");if(0===n.length)return new r(0);if(1===n.length)return n[0];var a;if(void 0===e)for(e=0,a=0;a< n.length ; a + + ) e + = n [ a ] . length ; var t = new r ( e ) , c = 0;for(a=0;a<n.length;a++){var i = n[a];i.copy(t,c),c+=i.length}return t } , r . byteLength = function(n,e){var a ; switch ( n + = " " , e | | " utf8 " ) { case " ascii " :case " binary " :case " raw " :a = n.length;break;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":a=2*n.length;break;case"hex":a=n.length > >>1;break;case"utf8":case"utf-8":a=b(n).length;break;case"base64":a=T(n).length;break;default:a=n.length}return a},r.prototype.length=void 0,r.prototype.parent=void 0,r.prototype.toString=function(n,e,a){var r=!1;if(e>>>=0,a=void 0===a||1/0===a?this.length:a>>>0,n||(n="utf8"),0>e&&(e=0),a>this.length&&(a=this.length),e>=a)return""; for(;;)switch(n){case"hex":return d(this,e,a);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return P(this,e,a);case"ascii":return l(this,e,a);case"binary":return m(this,e,a);case"base64":return K(this,e,a);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return h(this,e,a);default:if(r)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+n);n=(n+"").toLowerCase(),r=!0}},r.prototype.equals=function(n){if(!r.isBuffer(n))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===n?!0:0===r.compare(this,n)},r.prototype.inspect=function(){var n="",e=a.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;return this.length>0& & (n=this.toString("hex",0,e).match(/.{2}/g).join(" "),this.length>e& & (n+=" ... ")),"< Buffer " + n + " > "},r.prototype.compare=function(n){if(!r.isBuffer(n))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===n?0:r.compare(this,n)},r.prototype.indexOf=function(n,e){function a(n,e,a){for(var r=-1,t=0;a+t< n.length ; t + + ) if ( n [ a + t ] = = = e [ -1 = ==r?0:t-r]){if(-1===r&&(r=t),t-r+1===e.length)return a + r } else r = -1;return-1}if(e > 2147483647?e=2147483647:-2147483648>e&&(e=-2147483648),e>>=0,0===this.length)return-1; if(e>=this.length)return-1;if(0>e& & (e=Math.max(this.length+e,0)),"string"==typeof n)return 0===n.length?-1:String.prototype.indexOf.call(this,n,e);if(r.isBuffer(n))return a(this,n,e);if("number"==typeof n)return r.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT&&"function"===Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf?Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this,n,e):a(this,[n],e); throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")},r.prototype.get=function(n){return console.log(".get() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead."),this.readUInt8(n)},r.prototype.set=function(n,e){return console.log(".set() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead."),this.writeUInt8(n,e)},r.prototype.write=function(n,e,a,r){if(isFinite(e))isFinite(a)||(r=a,a=void 0);else{var t=r;r=e,e=a,a=t}if(e=Number(e)||0,0>a||0>e||e>this.length)throw new RangeError("attempt to write outside buffer bounds");var K=this.length-e;a?(a=Number(a),a>K&&(a=K)):a=K,r=String(r||"utf8").toLowerCase(); var P;switch(r){case"hex":P=c(this,n,e,a);break;case"utf8":case"utf-8":P=i(this,n,e,a);break;case"ascii":P=o(this,n,e,a);break;case"binary":P=X(this,n,e,a);break;case"base64":P=s(this,n,e,a);break;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":P=u(this,n,e,a);break;default:throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+r)}return P},r.prototype.to
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
function a(){this._events=this._events||{},this._maxListeners=this._maxListeners||void 0}function r(n){return"function"==typeof n}function t(n){return"number"==typeof n}function c(n){return"object"==typeof n& & null!==n}function i(n){return void 0===n}e.exports=a,a.EventEmitter=a,a.prototype._events=void 0,a.prototype._maxListeners=void 0,a.defaultMaxListeners=10,a.prototype.setMaxListeners=function(n){if(!t(n)||0>n||isNaN(n))throw TypeError("n must be a positive number");return this._maxListeners=n,this},a.prototype.emit=function(n){var e,a,t,o,X,s;if(this._events||(this._events={}),"error"===n& & (!this._events.error||c(this._events.error)& & !this._events.error.length)){if(e=arguments[1],e instanceof Error)throw e;throw TypeError('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.')}if(a=this._events[n],i(a))return!1;if(r(a))switch(arguments.length){case 1:a.call(this);break;case 2:a.call(this,arguments[1]);break;case 3:a.call(this,arguments[1],arguments[2]);break;default:for(t=arguments.length,o=new Array(t-1),X=1;t>X;X++)o[X-1]=arguments[X];a.apply(this,o)}else if(c(a)){for(t=arguments.length,o=new Array(t-1),X=1;t>X;X++)o[X-1]=arguments[X];for(s=a.slice(),t=s.length,X=0;t>X;X++)s[X].apply(this,o)}return!0},a.prototype.addListener=function(n,e){var t;if(!r(e))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");if(this._events||(this._events={}),this._events.newListener& & this.emit("newListener",n,r(e.listener)?e.listener:e),this._events[n]?c(this._events[n])?this._events[n].push(e):this._events[n]=[this._events[n],e]:this._events[n]=e,c(this._events[n])& & !this._events[n].warned){var t;t=i(this._maxListeners)?a.defaultMaxListeners:this._maxListeners,t& & t>0& & this._events[n].length>t& & (this._events[n].warned=!0,console.error("(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. %d listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.",this._events[n].length),"function"==typeof console.trace& & console.trace())}return this},a.prototype.on=a.prototype.addListener,a.prototype.once=function(n,e){function a(){this.removeListener(n,a),t||(t=!0,e.apply(this,arguments))}if(!r(e))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");var t=!1;return a.listener=e,this.on(n,a),this},a.prototype.removeListener=function(n,e){var a,t,i,o;if(!r(e))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");if(!this._events||!this._events[n])return this;if(a=this._events[n],i=a.length,t=-1,a===e||r(a.listener)& & a.listener===e)delete this._events[n],this._events.removeListener&&this.emit("removeListener",n,e); else if(c(a)){for(o=i;o-->0;)if(a[o]===e||a[o].listener&&a[o].listener===e){t=o; break}if(0>t)return this;1===a.length?(a.length=0,delete this._events[n]):a.splice(t,1),this._events.removeListener& & this.emit("removeListener",n,e)}return this},a.prototype.removeAllListeners=function(n){var e,a;if(!this._events)return this;if(!this._events.removeListener)return 0===arguments.length?this._events={}:this._events[n]& & delete this._events[n],this;if(0===arguments.length){for(e in this._events)"removeListener"!==e&&this.removeAllListeners(e); return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"),this._events={},this}if(a=this._events[n],r(a))this.removeListener(n,a);else for(;a.length;)this.removeListener(n,a[a.length-1]);return delete this._events[n],this},a.prototype.listeners=function(n){var e;return e=this._events& & this._events[n]?r(this._events[n])?[this._events[n]]:this._events[n].slice():[]},a.listenerCount=function(n,e){var a;return a=n._events& & n._events[e]?r(n._events[e])?1:n._events[e].length:0}},{}],79:[function(n,e){e.exports="function"==typeof Object.create?function(n,e){n.super_=e,n.prototype=Object.create(e.prototype,{constructor:{value:n,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}})}:function(n,e){n.super_=e;var a=function(){};a.prototype=e.prototype,n.prototype=new a,n.prototype.constructor=n}},{}],80:[function(n,e){e.exports=Array.isArray||function(n){return"[object Array]"==Object.prototype.toString.call(n)}},{}],81:[function(n,e,a){(function(n){// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
function e(n,e){for(var a=0,r=n.length-1;r>=0;r--){var t=n[r];"."===t?n.splice(r,1):".."===t?(n.splice(r,1),a++):a&&(n.splice(r,1),a--)}if(e)for(; a--;a)n.unshift("..");return n}function r(n,e){if(n.filter)return n.filter(e);for(var a=[],r=0;r< n.length ; r + + ) e ( n [ r ] , r , n ) & & a . push ( n [ r ] ) ; return a } var t = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/,c=function(n){return t . exec ( n ) . slice ( 1 ) } ; a . resolve = function(){for(var a = "" , t = !1,c=arguments.length-1;c > =-1&&!t; c--){var i=c>=0?arguments[c]:n.cwd();if("string"!=typeof i)throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings");i& & (a=i+"/"+a,t="/"===i.charAt(0))}return a=e(r(a.split("/"),function(n){return!!n}),!t).join("/"),(t?"/":"")+a||"."},a.normalize=function(n){var t=a.isAbsolute(n),c="/"===i(n,-1);return n=e(r(n.split("/"),function(n){return!!n}),!t).join("/"),n||t||(n="."),n& & c& & (n+="/"),(t?"/":"")+n},a.isAbsolute=function(n){return"/"===n.charAt(0)},a.join=function(){var n=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);return a.normalize(r(n,function(n){if("string"!=typeof n)throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.join must be strings");return n}).join("/"))},a.relative=function(n,e){function r(n){for(var e=0;e< n.length & & " " = = = n [ e ] ; e + + ) ; for ( var a = n.length-1;a > =0&&""===n[a]; a--);return e>a?[]:n.slice(e,a-e+1)}n=a.resolve(n).substr(1),e=a.resolve(e).substr(1);for(var t=r(n.split("/")),c=r(e.split("/")),i=Math.min(t.length,c.length),o=i,X=0;i>X;X++)if(t[X]!==c[X]){o=X;break}for(var s=[],X=o;X< t.length ; X + + ) s . push ( " . . " ) ; return s = s.concat(c.slice(o)),s.join("/")},a.sep="/",a.delimiter=":",a.dirname=function(n){var e = c(n),a=e[0],r=e[1];return a | | r ? ( r & & ( r = r.substr(0,r.length-1)),a+r):"."},a.basename=function(n,e){var a = c(n)[2];return e & & a . substr ( -1 * e . length ) = = = e & & ( a = a.substr(0,a.length-e.length)),a},a.extname=function(n){return c ( n ) [ 3 ] } ; var i = "b" = = = " ab " . substr ( -1 ) ? function ( n , e , a ) { return n . substr ( e , a ) } :function ( n , e , a ) { return 0 > e& & (e=n.length+e),n.substr(e,a)}}).call(this,n("_process"))},{_process:82}],82:[function(n,e){function a(){if(!i){i=!0;for(var n,e=c.length;e;){n=c,c=[];for(var a=-1;++a< e ; ) n [ a ] ( ) ; e = c.length}i=!1}}function r ( ) { } var t = e.exports={},c=[],i=!1;t.nextTick=function(n){c.push(n),i||setTimeout(a,0)},t.title="browser",t.browser=!0,t.env={},t.argv=[],t.version="",t.versions={},t.on=r,t.addListener=r,t.once=r,t.off=r,t.removeListener=r,t.removeAllListeners=r,t.emit=r,t.binding=function(){throw new Error ( " process . binding is not supported " ) } , t . cwd = function(){return"/"},t.chdir=function(){throw new Error ( " process . chdir is not supported " ) } , t . umask = function(){return 0 } } , { } ] , 83: [ function ( n , e ) { e . exports = n("./lib/_stream_duplex.js")},{"./lib/_stream_duplex.js":84}],84:[function(n,e){(function(a){function r ( n ) { return this instanceof r ? ( X . call ( this , n ) , s . call ( this , n ) , n & & n . readable = ==!1&&(this.readable=!1),n&&n.writable===!1&&(this.writable=!1),this.allowHalfOpen=!0,n&&n.allowHalfOpen===!1&&(this.allowHalfOpen=!1),void this . once ( " end " , t ) ) :new r ( n ) } function t ( ) { this . allowHalfOpen | | this . _writableState . ended | | a . nextTick ( this . end . bind ( this ) ) } function c ( n , e ) { for ( var a = 0,r=n.length;r > a;a++)e(n[a],a)}// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
e.exports=r;var i=Object.keys||function(n){var e=[];for(var a in n)e.push(a);return e},o=n("core-util-is");o.inherits=n("inherits");var X=n("./_stream_readable"),s=n("./_stream_writable");o.inherits(r,X),c(i(s.prototype),function(n){r.prototype[n]||(r.prototype[n]=s.prototype[n])})}).call(this,n("_process"))},{"./_stream_readable":86,"./_stream_writable":88,_process:82,"core-util-is":89,inherits:79}],85:[function(n,e){function a(n){return this instanceof a?void r.call(this,n):new a(n)}// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
e.exports=a;var r=n("./_stream_transform"),t=n("core-util-is");t.inherits=n("inherits"),t.inherits(a,r),a.prototype._transform=function(n,e,a){a(null,n)}},{"./_stream_transform":87,"core-util-is":89,inherits:79}],86:[function(n,e){(function(a){function r(e,a){var r=n("./_stream_duplex");e=e||{};var t=e.highWaterMark,c=e.objectMode?16:16384;this.highWaterMark=t||0===t?t:c,this.highWaterMark=~~this.highWaterMark,this.buffer=[],this.length=0,this.pipes=null,this.pipesCount=0,this.flowing=null,this.ended=!1,this.endEmitted=!1,this.reading=!1,this.sync=!0,this.needReadable=!1,this.emittedReadable=!1,this.readableListening=!1,this.objectMode=!!e.objectMode,a instanceof r& & (this.objectMode=this.objectMode||!!e.readableObjectMode),this.defaultEncoding=e.defaultEncoding||"utf8",this.ranOut=!1,this.awaitDrain=0,this.readingMore=!1,this.decoder=null,this.encoding=null,e.encoding& & (b||(b=n("string_decoder/").StringDecoder),this.decoder=new b(e.encoding),this.encoding=e.encoding)}function t(e){n("./_stream_duplex");return this instanceof t?(this._readableState=new r(e,this),this.readable=!0,void y.call(this)):new t(e)}function c(n,e,a,r,t){var c=s(e,a);if(c)n.emit("error",c);else if(O.isNullOrUndefined(a))e.reading=!1,e.ended||u(n,e);else if(e.objectMode||a& & a.length>0)if(e.ended& & !t){var o=new Error("stream.push() after EOF");n.emit("error",o)}else if(e.endEmitted& & t){var o=new Error("stream.unshift() after end event");n.emit("error",o)}else!e.decoder||t||r||(a=e.decoder.write(a)),t||(e.reading=!1),e.flowing&&0===e.length&&!e.sync?(n.emit("data",a),n.read(0)):(e.length+=e.objectMode?1:a.length,t?e.buffer.unshift(a):e.buffer.push(a),e.needReadable&&K(n)),l(n,e); else t||(e.reading=!1);return i(e)}function i(n){return!n.ended& & (n.needReadable||n.length< n.highWaterMark | | 0 = ==n.length)}function o ( n ) { if ( n > =k)n=k;else{n--;for(var e=1;32>e;e< < =1)n|=n>>e;n++}return n}function X(n,e){return 0===e.length& & e.ended?0:e.objectMode?0===n?0:1:isNaN(n)||O.isNull(n)?e.flowing& & e.buffer.length?e.buffer[0].length:e.length:0>=n?0:(n>e.highWaterMark& & (e.highWaterMark=o(n)),n>e.length?e.ended?e.length:(e.needReadable=!0,0):n)}function s(n,e){var a=null;return O.isBuffer(e)||O.isString(e)||O.isNullOrUndefined(e)||n.objectMode||(a=new TypeError("Invalid non-string/buffer chunk")),a}function u(n,e){if(e.decoder& & !e.ended){var a=e.decoder.end();a& & a.length& & (e.buffer.push(a),e.length+=e.objectMode?1:a.length)}e.ended=!0,K(n)}function K(n){var e=n._readableState;e.needReadable=!1,e.emittedReadable||(x("emitReadable",e.flowing),e.emittedReadable=!0,e.sync?a.nextTick(function(){P(n)}):P(n))}function P(n){x("emit readable"),n.emit("readable"),f(n)}function l(n,e){e.readingMore||(e.readingMore=!0,a.nextTick(function(){m(n,e)}))}function m(n,e){for(var a=e.length;!e.reading& & !e.flowing& & !e.ended& & e.length< e.highWaterMark & & ( x ( " maybeReadMore read 0 " ) , n . read ( 0 ) , a ! = = e . length ) ; ) a = e.length;e.readingMore=!1}function d ( n ) { return function ( ) { var e = n._readableState;x("pipeOnDrain",e.awaitDrain),e.awaitDrain&&e.awaitDrain--,0===e.awaitDrain&&B.listenerCount(n,"data")&&(e.flowing=!0,f(n))}}function h ( n , e ) { e . resumeScheduled | | ( e . resumeScheduled = !0,a.nextTick(function(){g(n,e)}))}function g ( n , e ) { e . resumeScheduled = !1,n.emit("resume"),f(n),e.flowing&&!e.reading&&n.read(0)}function f ( n ) { var e = n._readableState;if(x("flow",e.flowing),e.flowing)do var a = n.read();while(null!==a&&e.flowing)}function A ( n , e ) { var a , r = e.buffer,t=e.length,c=!!e.decoder,i=!!e.objectMode;if(0===r.length)return null ; if ( 0 = ==t)a=null;else if ( i ) a = r.shift();else if ( ! n | | n > =t)a=c?r.join(""):N.concat(r,t),r.length=0;else if(n< r [ 0 ] . length ) { var o = r[0];a=o.slice(0,n),r[0]=o.slice(n)}else if ( n = ==r[0].length)a=r.shift();else{a=c?"":new N ( n ) ; for ( var X = 0,s=0,u=r.length;u > s&&n>X; s++){var o=r[0],K=Math.min(n-X,o.length);c?a+=o.slice(0,K):o.copy(a,X,0,K),K< o.length ? r [ 0 ] = o . slice ( K ) :r . shift ( ) , X + = K } } return a } function v ( n ) { var e = n._readableState;if(e.length > 0)throw new Error("endReadable called on non-empty stream");e.endEmitted||(e.ended=!0,a.nextTick(function(){e.endEmitted||0!==e.length||(e.endEmitted=!0,n.readable=!1,n.emit("end"
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
e.exports=t;var W=n("isarray"),N=n("buffer").Buffer;t.ReadableState=r;var B=n("events").EventEmitter;B.listenerCount||(B.listenerCount=function(n,e){return n.listeners(e).length});var y=n("stream"),O=n("core-util-is");O.inherits=n("inherits");var b,x=n("util");x=x& & x.debuglog?x.debuglog("stream"):function(){},O.inherits(t,y),t.prototype.push=function(n,e){var a=this._readableState;return O.isString(n)& & !a.objectMode& & (e=e||a.defaultEncoding,e!==a.encoding& & (n=new N(n,e),e="")),c(this,a,n,e,!1)},t.prototype.unshift=function(n){var e=this._readableState;return c(this,e,n,"",!0)},t.prototype.setEncoding=function(e){return b||(b=n("string_decoder/").StringDecoder),this._readableState.decoder=new b(e),this._readableState.encoding=e,this};var k=8388608;t.prototype.read=function(n){x("read",n);var e=this._readableState,a=n;if((!O.isNumber(n)||n>0)& & (e.emittedReadable=!1),0===n& & e.needReadable& & (e.length>=e.highWaterMark||e.ended))return x("read: emitReadable",e.length,e.ended),0===e.length&&e.ended?v(this):K(this),null; if(n=X(n,e),0===n& & e.ended)return 0===e.length&&v(this),null; var r=e.needReadable;x("need readable",r),(0===e.length||e.length-n< e.highWaterMark ) & & ( r = !0,x("length less than watermark " , r ) ) , ( e . ended | | e . reading ) & & ( r = !1,x("reading or ended " , r ) ) , r & & ( x ( " do read " ) , e . reading = !0,e.sync=!0,0===e.length&&(e.needReadable=!0),this._read(e.highWaterMark),e.sync=!1),r&&!e.reading&&(n=X(a,e));var t ; return t = n > 0?A(n,e):null,O.isNull(t)& & (e.needReadable=!0,n=0),e.length-=n,0!==e.length||e.ended||(e.needReadable=!0),a!==n& & e.ended& & 0===e.length& & v(this),O.isNull(t)||this.emit("data",t),t},t.prototype._read=function(){this.emit("error",new Error("not implemented"))},t.prototype.pipe=function(n,e){function r(n){x("onunpipe"),n===K& & c()}function t(){x("onend"),n.end()}function c(){x("cleanup"),n.removeListener("close",X),n.removeListener("finish",s),n.removeListener("drain",h),n.removeListener("error",o),n.removeListener("unpipe",r),K.removeListener("end",t),K.removeListener("end",c),K.removeListener("data",i),!P.awaitDrain||n._writableState& & !n._writableState.needDrain||h()}function i(e){x("ondata");var a=n.write(e);!1===a& & (x("false write response, pause",K._readableState.awaitDrain),K._readableState.awaitDrain++,K.pause())}function o(e){x("onerror",e),u(),n.removeListener("error",o),0===B.listenerCount(n,"error")& & n.emit("error",e)}function X(){n.removeListener("finish",s),u()}function s(){x("onfinish"),n.removeListener("close",X),u()}function u(){x("unpipe"),K.unpipe(n)}var K=this,P=this._readableState;switch(P.pipesCount){case 0:P.pipes=n;break;case 1:P.pipes=[P.pipes,n];break;default:P.pipes.push(n)}P.pipesCount+=1,x("pipe count=%d opts=%j",P.pipesCount,e);var l=(!e||e.end!==!1)&&n!==a.stdout&&n!==a.stderr,m=l?t:c; P.endEmitted?a.nextTick(m):K.once("end",m),n.on("unpipe",r);var h=d(K);return n.on("drain",h),K.on("data",i),n._events& & n._events.error?W(n._events.error)?n._events.error.unshift(o):n._events.error=[o,n._events.error]:n.on("error",o),n.once("close",X),n.once("finish",s),n.emit("pipe",K),P.flowing||(x("pipe resume"),K.resume()),n},t.prototype.unpipe=function(n){var e=this._readableState;if(0===e.pipesCount)return this;if(1===e.pipesCount)return n&&n!==e.pipes?this:(n||(n=e.pipes),e.pipes=null,e.pipesCount=0,e.flowing=!1,n&&n.emit("unpipe",this),this); if(!n){var a=e.pipes,r=e.pipesCount;e.pipes=null,e.pipesCount=0,e.flowing=!1;for(var t=0;r>t;t++)a[t].emit("unpipe",this);return this}var t=C(e.pipes,n);return-1===t?this:(e.pipes.splice(t,1),e.pipesCount-=1,1===e.pipesCount& & (e.pipes=e.pipes[0]),n.emit("unpipe",this),this)},t.prototype.on=function(n,e){var r=y.prototype.on.call(this,n,e);if("data"===n& & !1!==this._readableState.flowing& & this.resume(),"readable"===n& & this.readable){var t=this._readableState;if(!t.readableListening)if(t.readableListening=!0,t.emittedReadable=!1,t.needReadable=!0,t.reading)t.length&&K(this,t); else{var c=this;a.nextTick(function(){x("readable nexttick read 0"),c.read(0)})}}return r},t.prototype.addListener=t.prototype.on,t.prototype.resume=function(){var n=this._readableState;return n.flowing|
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
e.exports=t;var i=n("./_stream_duplex"),o=n("core-util-is");o.inherits=n("inherits"),o.inherits(t,i),t.prototype.push=function(n,e){return this._transformState.needTransform=!1,i.prototype.push.call(this,n,e)},t.prototype._transform=function(){throw new Error("not implemented")},t.prototype._write=function(n,e,a){var r=this._transformState;if(r.writecb=a,r.writechunk=n,r.writeencoding=e,!r.transforming){var t=this._readableState;(r.needTransform||t.needReadable||t.length< t.highWaterMark ) & & this . _read ( t . highWaterMark ) } } , t . prototype . _read = function(){var n = this._transformState;o.isNull(n.writechunk)||!n.writecb||n.transforming?n.needTransform=!0:(n.transforming=!0,this._transform(n.writechunk,n.writeencoding,n.afterTransform))}},{"./_stream_duplex":84,"core-util-is":89,inherits:79}],88:[function(n,e){(function(a){function r ( n , e , a ) { this . chunk = n,this.encoding=e,this.callback=a}function t ( e , a ) { var r = n("./_stream_duplex");e=e||{};var t = e.highWaterMark,c=e.objectMode?16:16384;this.highWaterMark=t||0===t?t:c,this.objectMode=!!e.objectMode,a instanceof r & & ( this . objectMode = this.objectMode||!!e.writableObjectMode),this.highWaterMark=~~this.highWaterMark,this.needDrain=!1,this.ending=!1,this.ended=!1,this.finished=!1;var i = e.decodeStrings===!1;this.decodeStrings=!i,this.defaultEncoding=e.defaultEncoding||"utf8",this.length=0,this.writing=!1,this.corked=0,this.sync=!0,this.bufferProcessing=!1,this.onwrite=function(n){l(a,n)},this.writecb=null,this.writelen=0,this.buffer=[],this.pendingcb=0,this.prefinished=!1,this.errorEmitted=!1}function c ( e ) { var a = n("./_stream_duplex");return this instanceof c | | this instanceof a ? ( this . _writableState = new t ( e , this ) , this . writable = !0,void W . call ( this ) ) :new c ( e ) } function i ( n , e , r ) { var t = new Error ( " write after end " ) ; n . emit ( " error " , t ) , a . nextTick ( function ( ) { r ( t ) } ) } function o ( n , e , r , t ) { var c = !0;if(!(C.isBuffer(r)||C.isString(r)||C.isNullOrUndefined(r)||e.objectMode)){var i = new TypeError ( " Invalid non-string / buffer chunk " ) ; n . emit ( " error " , i ) , a . nextTick ( function ( ) { t ( i ) } ) , c = !1}return c } function X ( n , e , a ) { return ! n . objectMode & & n . decodeStrings ! = = ! 1 & & C . isString ( e ) & & ( e = new p ( e , a ) ) , e } function s ( n , e , a , t , c ) { a = X(e,a,t),C.isBuffer(a)&&(t="buffer");var i = e.objectMode?1:a.length;e.length+=i;var o = e.length<e.highWaterMark;return o | | ( e . needDrain = !0),e.writing||e.corked?e.buffer.push(new r ( a , t , c ) ) :u ( n , e , ! 1 , i , a , t , c ) , o } function u ( n , e , a , r , t , c , i ) { e . writelen = r,e.writecb=i,e.writing=!0,e.sync=!0,a?n._writev(t,e.onwrite):n._write(t,c,e.onwrite),e.sync=!1}function K ( n , e , r , t , c ) { r ? a . nextTick ( function ( ) { e . pendingcb-- , c ( t ) } ) : ( e . pendingcb-- , c ( t ) ) , n . _writableState . errorEmitted = !0,n.emit("error",t)}function P ( n ) { n . writing = !1,n.writecb=null,n.length-=n.writelen,n.writelen=0}function l ( n , e ) { var r = n._writableState,t=r.sync,c=r.writecb;if(P(r),e)K(n,r,t,e,c);else{var i = g(n,r);i||r.corked||r.bufferProcessing||!r.buffer.length||h(n,r),t?a.nextTick(function(){m(n,r,i,c)}):m(n,r,i,c)}}function m ( n , e , a , r ) { a | | d ( n , e ) , e . pendingcb-- , r ( ) , A ( n , e ) } function d ( n , e ) { 0 = ==e.length&&e.needDrain&&(e.needDrain=!1,n.emit("drain"))}function h ( n , e ) { if ( e . bufferProcessing = !0,n._writev&&e.buffer.length > 1){for(var a=[],r=0;r< e.buffer.length ; r + + ) a . push ( e . buffer [ r ] . callback ) ; e . pendingcb + + , u ( n , e , ! 0 , e . length , e . buffer , " " , function ( n ) { for ( var r = 0;r<a.length;r++)e.pendingcb--,a[r](n)}),e.buffer=[]}else{for(var r = 0;r<e.buffer.length;r++){var t = e.buffer[r],c=t.chunk,i=t.encoding,o=t.callback,X=e.objectMode?1:c.length;if(u(n,e,!1,X,c,i,o),e.writing){r++;break}}r<e.buffer.length?e.buffer=e.buffer.slice(r):e.buffer.length=0}e.bufferProcessing=!1}function g ( n , e ) { return e . ending & & 0 = ==e.length&&!e.finished&&!e.writing}function f ( n , e ) { e . prefinished | | ( e . prefinished = !0,n.emit("prefinish"))}function A ( n , e ) { var a = g(n,e);return a & & ( 0 = ==e.pendingcb?(f(n,e),e.finished=!0,n.emit("finish")):f(n,e)),a}function v ( n , e , r ) { e . ending = !0,A(n,e),r&&(e.finished?a.nextTick(r):n.once("finish",r)),e.ended=!0}// Copyright Joyent , Inc . and other Node contributors .
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
e.exports=c;var p=n("buffer").Buffer;c.WritableState=t;var C=n("core-util-is");C.inherits=n("inherits");var W=n("stream");C.inherits(c,W),c.prototype.pipe=function(){this.emit("error",new Error("Cannot pipe. Not readable."))},c.prototype.write=function(n,e,a){var r=this._writableState,t=!1;return C.isFunction(e)& & (a=e,e=null),C.isBuffer(n)?e="buffer":e||(e=r.defaultEncoding),C.isFunction(a)||(a=function(){}),r.ended?i(this,r,a):o(this,r,n,a)& & (r.pendingcb++,t=s(this,r,n,e,a)),t},c.prototype.cork=function(){var n=this._writableState;n.corked++},c.prototype.uncork=function(){var n=this._writableState;n.corked& & (n.corked--,n.writing||n.corked||n.finished||n.bufferProcessing||!n.buffer.length||h(this,n))},c.prototype._write=function(n,e,a){a(new Error("not implemented"))},c.prototype._writev=null,c.prototype.end=function(n,e,a){var r=this._writableState;C.isFunction(n)?(a=n,n=null,e=null):C.isFunction(e)& & (a=e,e=null),C.isNullOrUndefined(n)||this.write(n,e),r.corked& & (r.corked=1,this.uncork()),r.ending||r.finished||v(this,r,a)}}).call(this,n("_process"))},{"./_stream_duplex":84,_process:82,buffer:74,"core-util-is":89,inherits:79,stream:94}],89:[function(n,e,a){(function(n){// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
function e(n){return Array.isArray(n)}function r(n){return"boolean"==typeof n}function t(n){return null===n}function c(n){return null==n}function i(n){return"number"==typeof n}function o(n){return"string"==typeof n}function X(n){return"symbol"==typeof n}function s(n){return void 0===n}function u(n){return K(n)& & "[object RegExp]"===g(n)}function K(n){return"object"==typeof n& & null!==n}function P(n){return K(n)& & "[object Date]"===g(n)}function l(n){return K(n)& & ("[object Error]"===g(n)||n instanceof Error)}function m(n){return"function"==typeof n}function d(n){return null===n||"boolean"==typeof n||"number"==typeof n||"string"==typeof n||"symbol"==typeof n||"undefined"==typeof n}function h(e){return n.isBuffer(e)}function g(n){return Object.prototype.toString.call(n)}a.isArray=e,a.isBoolean=r,a.isNull=t,a.isNullOrUndefined=c,a.isNumber=i,a.isString=o,a.isSymbol=X,a.isUndefined=s,a.isRegExp=u,a.isObject=K,a.isDate=P,a.isError=l,a.isFunction=m,a.isPrimitive=d,a.isBuffer=h}).call(this,n("buffer").Buffer)},{buffer:74}],90:[function(n,e){e.exports=n("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js")},{"./lib/_stream_passthrough.js":85}],91:[function(n,e,a){a=e.exports=n("./lib/_stream_readable.js"),a.Stream=n("stream"),a.Readable=a,a.Writable=n("./lib/_stream_writable.js"),a.Duplex=n("./lib/_stream_duplex.js"),a.Transform=n("./lib/_stream_transform.js"),a.PassThrough=n("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js")},{"./lib/_stream_duplex.js":84,"./lib/_stream_passthrough.js":85,"./lib/_stream_readable.js":86,"./lib/_stream_transform.js":87,"./lib/_stream_writable.js":88,stream:94}],92:[function(n,e){e.exports=n("./lib/_stream_transform.js")},{"./lib/_stream_transform.js":87}],93:[function(n,e){e.exports=n("./lib/_stream_writable.js")},{"./lib/_stream_writable.js":88}],94:[function(n,e){function a(){r.call(this)}// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
e.exports=a;var r=n("events").EventEmitter,t=n("inherits");t(a,r),a.Readable=n("readable-stream/readable.js"),a.Writable=n("readable-stream/writable.js"),a.Duplex=n("readable-stream/duplex.js"),a.Transform=n("readable-stream/transform.js"),a.PassThrough=n("readable-stream/passthrough.js"),a.Stream=a,a.prototype.pipe=function(n,e){function a(e){n.writable& & !1===n.write(e)& & s.pause& & s.pause()}function t(){s.readable& & s.resume& & s.resume()}function c(){u||(u=!0,n.end())}function i(){u||(u=!0,"function"==typeof n.destroy& & n.destroy())}function o(n){if(X(),0===r.listenerCount(this,"error"))throw n}function X(){s.removeListener("data",a),n.removeListener("drain",t),s.removeListener("end",c),s.removeListener("close",i),s.removeListener("error",o),n.removeListener("error",o),s.removeListener("end",X),s.removeListener("close",X),n.removeListener("close",X)}var s=this;s.on("data",a),n.on("drain",t),n._isStdio||e&&e.end===!1||(s.on("end",c),s.on("close",i)); var u=!1;return s.on("error",o),n.on("error",o),s.on("end",X),s.on("close",X),n.on("close",X),n.emit("pipe",s),n}},{events:78,inherits:79,"readable-stream/duplex.js":83,"readable-stream/passthrough.js":90,"readable-stream/readable.js":91,"readable-stream/transform.js":92,"readable-stream/writable.js":93}],95:[function(n,e,a){function r(n){if(n& & !X(n))throw new Error("Unknown encoding: "+n)}function t(n){return n.toString(this.encoding)}function c(n){this.charReceived=n.length%2,this.charLength=this.charReceived?2:0}function i(n){this.charReceived=n.length%3,this.charLength=this.charReceived?3:0}// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
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// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
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